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Is god real...

Guest ragumup

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Again ...whoever said we practice the Judeo-Christian way of thought or believe it ? You're confusing yourself. .

Actually no YOUR confusing me :D


You's are being hypocritical, you believe in god but dont have a religion such as Christianity - thats like me saying i love hunting my lurchers but dont like to kill things :huh:

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f**k god................and who ever they are.......................leaving innocent people , especially children dieing from cancer............... boils my piss when some one says thats carma.......

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now i've never really believed in god but never minded them that have but 3yrs ago i was in scotland playing golf me and 15 of my mates having a great time, the sun beating down on the 14th tee at bri

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Is there a god? For me it depends on your perception of a god. If it's some white bearded giant dude sat up there crafting things with his bare hands, then I doubt it. If 'god' could be described by science, then maybe it's something which runs through everything, joins the dots up and could explain not just what, but also why, when and how.

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people confuse God with religion, 2 different things, I have no religion but I believe in a creator or God if you prefer

Do you go to church.?


No why would I, Im not a christian, I believe in a creator, I dont believe in the middle eastern form of God, a nasty man-type being who expects us to pray to him every few hours or days, God (the creator) I believe created everything in the universes he doesnt need people to thank him constantly.



But if you believe in the big man upstairs, and you dont "practice" his thingy then you will go to hell.? Is that not what TRUE believers in god think.?


I think you boys are atheists like the majority :yes:


Religion tells people how to pray, when to pray, how to mutilate the genitials of young boys and girls and all the other nasty shit that comes with religion....A belief in a God or creator needs non of this, if I was an atheist, I wouldnt believe in a creator now would I

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Again ...whoever said we practice the Judeo-Christian way of thought or believe it ? You're confusing yourself. .

Actually no YOUR confusing me :D


You's are being hypocritical, you believe in god but dont have a religion such as Christianity - thats like me saying i love hunting my lurchers but dont like to kill things :huh:


If you hunt with lurchers because you like killing things, you're doing it for the wrong reasons IMO..

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Surely your really not so simple as to believe that the only way to recognize God is to belong to a Christian church ?


The Buddhists,Hindus, Taoists, Wiccans, Native Americans and others would love to hear your take on that .

NO i am not, i just put that up for an example.


All of the above WILL "practice" their religion IMO and whoever doesn't well are just plain hypocrites in my eyes.


Like i said, its like me saying i love to hunt but hate to kill :blink:

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Again ...whoever said we practice the Judeo-Christian way of thought or believe it ? You're confusing yourself. .

Actually no YOUR confusing me :D


You's are being hypocritical, you believe in god but dont have a religion such as Christianity - thats like me saying i love hunting my lurchers but dont like to kill things :huh:


If you hunt with lurchers because you like killing things, you're doing it for the wrong reasons IMO..

Again ...whoever said we practice the Judeo-Christian way of thought or believe it ? You're confusing yourself. .

Actually no YOUR confusing me :D


You's are being hypocritical, you believe in god but dont have a religion such as Christianity - thats like me saying i love hunting my lurchers but dont like to kill things :huh:


If you hunt with lurchers because you like killing things, you're doing it for the wrong reasons IMO..

Not in that way malt - for sport, but the game will mostly loose to the dog :thumbs: Hence killed, im not good at putting things into a sentence :laugh:
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Is there a god? For me it depends on your perception of a god. If it's some white bearded giant dude sat up there crafting things with his bare hands, then I doubt it. If 'god' could be described by science, then maybe it's something which runs through everything, joins the dots up and could explain not just what, but also why, when and how.

thank fook someone else on my wavelength :laugh:
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Again ...whoever said we practice the Judeo-Christian way of thought or believe it ? You're confusing yourself. .

Actually no YOUR confusing me :D


You's are being hypocritical, you believe in god but dont have a religion such as Christianity - thats like me saying i love hunting my lurchers but dont like to kill things :huh:


If you hunt with lurchers because you like killing things, you're doing it for the wrong reasons IMO..

only an example ........................not intended believe ...........

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Is there a god? For me it depends on your perception of a god. If it's some white bearded giant dude sat up there crafting things with his bare hands, then I doubt it. If 'god' could be described by science, then maybe it's something which runs through everything, joins the dots up and could explain not just what, but also why, when and how.

thank fook someone else on my wavelength :laugh:


I think theres a few of us.lol

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people confuse God with religion, 2 different things, I have no religion but I believe in a creator or God if you prefer

Do you go to church.?


No why would I, Im not a christian, I believe in a creator, I dont believe in the middle eastern form of God, a nasty man-type being who expects us to pray to him every few hours or days, God (the creator) I believe created everything in the universes he doesnt need people to thank him constantly.



But if you believe in the big man upstairs, and you dont "practice" his thingy then you will go to hell.? Is that not what TRUE believers in god think.?


I think you boys are atheists like the majority :yes:


Religion tells people how to pray, when to pray, how to mutilate the genitials of young boys and girls and all the other nasty shit that comes with religion....A belief in a God or creator needs non of this, if I was an atheist, I wouldnt believe in a creator now would I

But its the word GOD if you get my drift, if you look at what malt said above it puts it more into context.


of course something created us but not necessarily a god

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Surely your really not so simple as to believe that the only way to recognize God is to belong to a Christian church ?


The Buddhists,Hindus, Taoists, Wiccans, Native Americans and others would love to hear your take on that .

NO i am not, i just put that up for an example.


All of the above WILL "practice" their religion IMO and whoever doesn't well are just plain hypocrites in my eyes.


Like i said, its like me saying i love to hunt but hate to kill :blink:


Whoever doesn't what ? Are you really sure you know what hypocrite means ? I'm not sure you do.


Let me help you out a bit . Take deists for example...


Deism (11px-Speakerlink.svg.pngi/ˈd.ɪzəm/[1][2] or /ˈd.ɪzəm/) is a philosophy which holds that reason and observation of the natural world, without the need for organized religion, can determine that the universe is the product of a creator. According to deists, the deity seldom, if ever, intervenes in human affairs or suspends the natural laws of the universe. Deists typically reject supernatural events such as prophecy and miracles, tending instead to assert that a god (or "the Supreme Architect") does not alter the universe by intervening in it. This idea is also known as the clockwork universe theory, in which a god designs and builds a universe, but steps aside to let it run on its own. Two main forms of deism currently exist: classical deism and modern deism.

Edited by Aaron Proffitt
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people confuse God with religion, 2 different things, I have no religion but I believe in a creator or God if you prefer

Do you go to church.?


No why would I, Im not a christian, I believe in a creator, I dont believe in the middle eastern form of God, a nasty man-type being who expects us to pray to him every few hours or days, God (the creator) I believe created everything in the universes he doesnt need people to thank him constantly.



But if you believe in the big man upstairs, and you dont "practice" his thingy then you will go to hell.? Is that not what TRUE believers in god think.?


I think you boys are atheists like the majority :yes:


Religion tells people how to pray, when to pray, how to mutilate the genitials of young boys and girls and all the other nasty shit that comes with religion....A belief in a God or creator needs non of this, if I was an atheist, I wouldnt believe in a creator now would I

But its the word GOD if you get my drift, if you look at what malt said above it puts it more into context.


of course something created us but not necessarily a god



RELIGION has nothing at all to do with GOD, it really is that simple, organised religion is used to keep people in place and get them to do what the heads of the particular religion want them to do, thats it in a nutshell

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