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Is god real...

Guest ragumup

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Something to consider...since science is always quoted about the existence of God. Our planet is covered ,more or less by oceans. And yet, we know nothing of 95% of it. 95% ! And then we really think that science can definitively prove that God does or does not exist. Beyond our own little rock in the solar system, it's a pretty damn big place. So to assert that the existence of God is an impossibility , I believe is the height of human arrogance.


You're up early Aaron. I don't think anyone here (at least not me) has said god is an impossibility. Personally, I'm not atheist, I'm agnostic, so if someone proves or disproves beyond any doubt I'll believe that person.

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f**k god................and who ever they are.......................leaving innocent people , especially children dieing from cancer............... boils my piss when some one says thats carma.......

Twelve priests were about to be ordained. The final test was for them to line up in a straight row, totally naked, while a beautiful, big-breasted nude model danced before them.   Each priest had a

now i've never really believed in god but never minded them that have but 3yrs ago i was in scotland playing golf me and 15 of my mates having a great time, the sun beating down on the 14th tee at bri

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Eh, it's actually mid-morning where I'm at , Walshie. Agnostics I can completely get. Atheists to my mind are as close minded as fire and brimstone preachers. And they preach about as much,too.


Totally agree Aaron


I hate all these TV preachers asking you to "pick up the phone and send your money" however I also think to just have a blanket blind view to say god doesn't exist makes the supposition that we as humans know all threre is to know and science as we know it is everything. To me I think its naive, what if its just beyond our comprehension, how could you explain to an ant the workings of the internal combustion engine. I just think if people dont believe thats fine just have an open mind about these things.

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god maybe one thing but religon is something different. do i believe in god? i believe there has to be something else that we dont undestand, like how do migrating birds navigate, its believed they use electromagnitic fields, fields that we carnt even feel or see, let alone use. religon was mans first attempt at politics with the aim of control and manipulation, but like anything that involves power, corruption soon seeps in, so no im not buying religion. but god maybe :thumbs:

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I disagree, how can you put your blind faith in something that's not there? Or has ever shown any proof that it ever was! Science does not have all the answers that I concede. However from what it does know, it's certainly blew the god theory right out the water! Dinasaurs, how old the planet is roughly. According to the religious, the planet is only a few hundred thousand years old, and Dinasaurs were just a hoax. If you get done solace from a mystical being, then fill your boots, but I stopped believing in fairy stories a long time ago.

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I disagree, how can you put your blind faith in something that's not there? Or has ever shown any proof that it ever was! Science does not have all the answers that I concede. However from what it does know, it's certainly blew the god theory right out the water! Dinasaurs, how old the planet is roughly. According to the religious, the planet is only a few hundred thousand years old, and Dinasaurs were just a hoax. If you get done solace from a mystical being, then fill your boots, but I stopped believing in fairy stories a long time ago.

thats ok if your using religions version of what god is :thumbs:
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f**k god................and who ever they are.......................leaving innocent people , especially children dieing from cancer...............

boils my piss when some one says thats carma.................i then say if theres carma what has child done to be terminally ill..................they done nothing and that is a fact....................and another fact is we live in a cruel world..................

been to hospital today and it just makes you think when you see people who are dieing from a dreadful disease and they never deserve it.....................wheres god then?

and to see young children who wont be leaving hospital ................well f**k the lord or god, these people dont deserve it................

ive always said it cancer is the same as myxi some people get over it and some dont...........and to think that mankind could create such a disease and cause such suffering , well after all god dont mean nothing to me ........................i look after my own and wont be relying on any lord or god.............we done all the preying and it got us no where ............

keep your family in good health and i hope people dont go through what some have too........................and remember there will always be someone in a worst position than yourself.........

if god cant save some of us i wouldnt put a bet on him saving the queen lol

Im with you on this 100% whippet.


I cant even add to it, you've hit it dead on :thumbs:

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I disagree, how can you put your blind faith in something that's not there? Or has ever shown any proof that it ever was.


You may love your wife/partner family etc but can you prove to me that love exists? I can't see the air but I know it's there


What I'm saying is just because it's not a physical thing we can see or hold doesn't mean we should just dismiss it because we believe the human race is the pinical of evolution.



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Can someone answer me this please, if someone gets their baby christened - you know where the minister puts water on the child's head. Does that mean they believe in god or is it just a thing people do.? Same with getting married in a church/chapel its supposed to be "before god", but is it really the reason.?

All my family including far out family are all christened - although im not christened. I dont "belong to a church" because i wasnt christened.

I will refuse to get married in a church "before god" because i dont belong to one nor do i believe in a godly religion.


It really confuses me

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