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Is god real...

Guest ragumup

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f**k god................and who ever they are.......................leaving innocent people , especially children dieing from cancer............... boils my piss when some one says thats carma.......

Twelve priests were about to be ordained. The final test was for them to line up in a straight row, totally naked, while a beautiful, big-breasted nude model danced before them.   Each priest had a

now i've never really believed in god but never minded them that have but 3yrs ago i was in scotland playing golf me and 15 of my mates having a great time, the sun beating down on the 14th tee at bri

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funny how many people turn to god in there hour of need though.suddenly believers


Nothing funny or strange about it, it's just a survival mechanism for coping with very testing times, and quite a clever one really......





Those that want to believe in something greater than ourselves will do, because they feel it or think that it is the only explanation for life. I personally like to view things objectively and although that allows for a god it doesn't even remotely suggest there is any such thing.


It's the oldest fairytale in human history.....

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I f*****g, hate religon,, pile of utter shite,, invented to control weaker minded folk and to ensure a dominating life for those at the top


There is no god, and never has been. Anybody who believes there is cannot be all there,, there must be something missing in their heed!!

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Something to consider...since science is always quoted about the existence of God. Our planet is covered ,more or less by oceans. And yet, we know nothing of 95% of it. 95% ! And then we really think that science can definitively prove that God does or does not exist. Beyond our own little rock in the solar system, it's a pretty damn big place. So to assert that the existence of God is an impossibility , I believe is the height of human arrogance.

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