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daddy daughter saturday night stalk

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My six year old daughter recently came lamping with me and likes to read the countrymans. While reading it one night she asked if she could join me the next time i "go out and kill a deer". I thought that she may be too young but she'd watched me skin and butcher deer before and was aware of the reality of the deer being a food source for our family, so i promised her the next fine evening we would go out and see if we could outwit a buck.

Two weeks passed and she was still as eager as when she first asked. So last saturday an hour before sunset we set of with the .243 and strict instructions for her to whisper her never ending questions. We drove half the way to my usual permission and walked the next two fields to an old railway viaduct. The previous week i had been observing a group consisting of two does and a decent buck in a sheltered field on the opposite side of the banking. We got to the opening at the top of the field and looking down the bank spotted a single doe, as i tried my best to contain my daughters excitment i explained that we will maintain our position as there would possibly be other deers in the trees at the side of the field.

A few minutes later another doe popped out of the trees and i started to get excited! i thought it would only be a matter of time before our buck made an apperance. We watched and as the sun set we crawled down the long grass at the side of the field to get a better view. Just then these two does started chasing each other, and after another question from my daughter asking me if i was going to take the shot, and another explaination from me that we were not going to shoot the does at this time as they may have dependant young, they disapeared from view behind the rise of the field. As the sound of running hooves got louder i told my daughter to remain still no matter what! Then these two playful does came running over the rise and stopped to feed twenty feet in front of us, thanks to a strong wind and a very silent little girl we watched for a while as they ambled towards us. Then the lead one froze, looked at the two of us, and with three bounds she cleared twenty feet, a fence a bush and the other wasn't far behind. My daughter looked at me with amazment, up until then she had only seen deer from a distance.

As it was nearing an hour since the sun had set and our cover had been blown we called it a night. But i promised we would return sometime to find our buck, maybe this saturday evening if we are blessed with the fine conditions.

It would have been a successful night if we had came home with the buck but in mine and my daughters eyes it was a great experiance to lie there smell and observe our prey at close quarters.

Respect to the deer :victory:

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I had a similar experience on a golf course with my 8 year old son two dear ran right up to us and grazed for about 20 minutes we lay on the ground watching them until thay got wind of us and lept off great experience to get so close. we decided to leave them be for that night.Great to see young kids take an interest. Great story Aquila.

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