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Police on the a17

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Watch out lads police and the wild life officer r on the a17 near lednam looking for coursing lads silver land rover discovery 3 traffick cars and a motor bike the bikes in a layby at beckingham the rest r in layby at the bottom of ledenham hill

well lets be honest here . anyone with a ounce of brain would know the a17 . or 46 lincoln is going to be on top .you might aswell put a big sighn on the newark roundabout ,,saying ..hare coursing this way!!! :laugh:
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i was thinking about printing off every page i can find, of police officers being charged with child sex offences, rape, and corruption, there are hundreds of recent uk court cases going on, and its easy to find them out on the internet, i might fill all of my pockets with this sh£t, each time i go out with my dogs, ready for when i get searched.

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That is sad . Real crime taking place and that's where they choose to put their priorities. WTF .

welcome to policeing in britian if it makes money hammer it, if it doesnt ignore it, if they catch you over here now without permission nearby, they will take your motor,gear and dogs :cray:
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Do your cops have seriously nothing better to do than mess with guys hunting ?



don't you have an entire government agency to mess with lads hunting rather than the plod doing it?what would the fine be for say taking a deer with no tag?

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i've been pulled more in the last month than in nearly 40yrs and on one permission the farmer informs me that dead deer have been found on a couple of occasions no attempt to hide them just left lying, the other a golfcourse and the adjoining farm complaints were made by golfers that daylight coursers were witnessed throwing dead hares to the side, i'm not being high and mighty saying i have never crossed an occasional boundary but some guy's are making it easy for the anti's and old bill to tar us all with the same brush

i've been pulled more in the last month than in nearly 40yrs and on one permission the farmer informs me that dead deer have been found on a couple of occasions no attempt to hide them just left lying, the other a golfcourse and the adjoining farm complaints were made by golfers that daylight coursers were witnessed throwing dead hares to the side, i'm not being high and mighty saying i have never crossed an occasional boundary but some guy's are making it easy for the anti's and old bill to tar us all with the same brush

somebody was saying in the sunday mail pics of deer hanging from trees in ayrshire a squad of boys with bull xs going about murdering everything and leaving them lying about the local boys are having a hard time because of these f--king idiots

I never saw the sense in killing something and not eating it,its all bad press we could do without,giving antis amunition is not what we should be about at all,

me neither bloody waist and wrong
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if you can afford to get caught happy hunting lads but it may be a unjust law but its a law im not breaking every week, went to do some shopping with dogs in back, got stopped and asked what i was doing and where going,shopping and beech, they checked car and let me go lol. make sure your car in good nick

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