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THE BIG TON... And moster bags

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listen mate im by far an expert on dog health or anything to do with dog's to be honest but i like to put a bit of effortinto what the dog eats epecially as she was graffting hard. i like the hill's

Can it be done? Is it possible? Everybody has there own ideas....... But now we have the answer.   3 lads I know have been away for a few days up north,,, the first night Monday they had 110 ,with

just been having an interesting read and its funny how folk make so many assumptions WITHOUT knowing ANY of the facts, for the lads who say it's boring then feel free to go read the post's about let'

ton in 3 hours alimac, whats that 1 evey 3 mins,,at a ges,,, the dog has to run it then bring it back,, then you kill it and bag it,, then you walk a little more,, for the next 1,,,thats good bloody going ,,

Lol, There's a important 4 letter word and a important "s" you missed in my post . I was pointing out with the right numbers of rabbits on the ground then a ton is possible for a fit/decent dog over a full night..

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