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THE BIG TON... And moster bags

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listen mate im by far an expert on dog health or anything to do with dog's to be honest but i like to put a bit of effortinto what the dog eats epecially as she was graffting hard. i like the hill's

Can it be done? Is it possible? Everybody has there own ideas....... But now we have the answer.   3 lads I know have been away for a few days up north,,, the first night Monday they had 110 ,with

just been having an interesting read and its funny how folk make so many assumptions WITHOUT knowing ANY of the facts, for the lads who say it's boring then feel free to go read the post's about let'

Aww for Christs sake !! You people who don't believe these lads ought to get off this site and shut the f**k up !! Every so often the subject comes up. "can one dog do 100 rabbits ? " Well, YES it can, and has been done !! Who cares where or how good the rabbits were ? THESE LADS DONE IT !! Instead of slagging and moaning you should be congratulating them !! Instead of saying you wish you had so many rabbitts where you live, why not do what these lads did ? I bet they wern't just around their own doors !! Give credit where it's due !!



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ok fair point...lets says the numbers weren't the only thing they were there for.


as for me going out and trying the ton.....feck me i try every time i go out. sometimes i get close with 5 on thursday night, but did my best so far with xena getting 41 last week or so. watch this space..trouble is the places i can go on, there just ins't enough land for my to run on.


do you still not believe they caught that many?

i dont care whats right and whats not...................................im sure the lads arent lying................................my motto is seeing is believing................

ive looked for fairies at the bottom of my garden

ive waited up for santa claus

ive made birthday wishes

and ive seen dogs with big promises by there owners..........................only to be disapointed..............im jjust scepticle when it comes to mutts and there abilities..................just to many bull shiters about make me scepticle



stick that up your pipe and smoke it

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Aww for Christs sake !! You people who don't believe these lads ought to get off this site and shut the f**k up !! Every so often the subject comes up. "can one dog do 100 rabbits ? " Well, YES it can, and has been done !! Who cares where or how good the rabbits were ? THESE LADS DONE IT !! Instead of slagging and moaning you should be congratulating them !! Instead of saying you wish you had so many rabbitts where you live, why not do what these lads did ? I bet they wern't just around their own doors !! Give credit where it's due !!



thank you for that we didnt do what we did for fame we did it because it was a fantastic trip that we all enjoyed including the dogs,

we didnt even start the post, i kept intouch with Tomo whilst out there and he thought it worthy of a mention, ive written a long post with full

pic's on a small site that we are on with not one negative comment infact the site was the reason the 3 of us got together and did the trip,


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sorry mate but i think you will find me and my bitch will be doing 104 tonight and i'll be home for x factor

Dazzz what was the weight on the dogs like after 3 nights like that????Where they just feed there normal meals or topped up with stuff?????What kind land was it????? just few questions cheers and well done :thumbs:
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Well sed dazzz it's always people being negative on here some people like to go out for one for the pot others like to push there dogs and really test them nothing wrong with either.well done to you three and I think that dog is worthy of breeding off now maybe abit of an understatement lol

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the brindel dog is the one that did 101 for thos who pm for a pic collie grey bull grey x collie grey bull grey

sorry cookie .............i love you really.....

phil i will await my invite................... :laugh:


Whippet,,, your getting your lloydy's mixed up,,,, ones a writer ........and it's a good job the other don't write.........lol

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Daz,, pritch,,,, I have asked lloydy, if he wants this thread removed, he said no,,,, but if any of you guys want it removed,, or you change your mind ,,just let me know, and ile tell a mod,,, cheers fellas

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sorry mate but i think you will find me and my bitch will be doing 104 tonight and i'll be home for x factor

Dazzz what was the weight on the dogs like after 3 nights like that????Where they just feed there normal meals or topped up with stuff?????What kind land was it????? just few questions cheers and well done :thumbs:


think the lads will say the same littel bit liter [bANNED TEXT] geting home but after grub and rest quick walk and shit thay looked about right agin.my food bowl is a washing up bowl lol its is.



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