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this was it , its alot of work and not cheap but a good hobby , i had a 5ft tank befor this one but was just to big consumed the hole room and to expensive to run    

Some carry on in this house when the big feckers show face!! Its like a stand of with me and the big ones. Infact just last week one tryed to fuk wae me! The thing was massive could see his eyeballs f

Nah never interested me, always was suspicious of folk who kept snakes and rats lol Been thinking of getting a marine tank if that's any interest lol

It can take well over a month Scott.. when you first start one of the nitrate/nitrite levels are sky high..to speed thing's up you can add tropical fresh water black mollie's belive it or not and they thrive in the salt water..but the tank will still take a lot longer to mature and find a happy medium..when the nitrite level does come down you can start to ad more hardier species slowly..

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as every thing mate many ways to go about things , and your right mate many methods and mountains of equipment , some people make a chemistry and biology project of it , i preferred a simpler more natural approach , didnt do to bad either no disasters , maintained good healthy tank with good growth and life , still a little demanding and costly tho lol

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No too sure on them Scot? Im a big sissy when it comes spiders TBH :icon_eek: I HATE house spiders, wake up during the night every few night thinking one has dropped on me she cracks up as I start jumping all about the room shaking the cover ect lol. Anyone else suffer from this

Yes i know someone......its quite a common fear called Bigjessieitis!!!..... :D

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No too sure on them Scot? Im a big sissy when it comes spiders TBH :icon_eek: I HATE house spiders, wake up during the night every few night thinking one has dropped on me she cracks up as I start jumping all about the room shaking the cover ect lol. Anyone else suffer from this


no when i catch them i put them in my mouth the wife screams and the kids roll about laughing


a mate of mine (god rest his soul) was sh*t scared of frogs but never let on

until i put one on his pocket when we were ferreting...he went fecking mental

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when i met ma misses she had 2 cats and a bearded dragon, the deal was she could keep the dragon if she got rid o the cats as ma dogs dont like cats anyway 13 year later the dragon was still going and only passed away this year, if anybody is thinking of geting a dragon check out how they put them to sleep if there no doing so good, 18v dewalt cordless and drill there brains out couldny beleive it when we rang the vets

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I was in the library a couple of years ago and a tranny was sat doing something at one of the computers, bizarrely another tranny came into the library and they started talking to each other.....anyway, one of the trannies was telling the other one that he lives alone in flat and has 8 tarantulas that wander freely around the flat. :icon_eek:


He was moaning to the other tranny that all his neighbours think he's weird (got knows why they'd think that!) and throw stuff at him when he's walking past. :laugh:

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I was in the library a couple of years ago and a tranny was sat doing something at one of the computers, bizarrely another tranny came into the library and they started talking to each other.....anyway, one of the trannies was telling the other one that he lives alone in flat and has 8 tarantulas that wander freely around the flat. :icon_eek:


He was moaning to the other tranny that all his neighbours think he's weird (got knows why they'd think that!) and throw stuff at him when he's walking past. :laugh:

FFS whats the chances.....3 trannies in the Library at the same time.....unreal... :D
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