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this was it , its alot of work and not cheap but a good hobby , i had a 5ft tank befor this one but was just to big consumed the hole room and to expensive to run    

Some carry on in this house when the big feckers show face!! Its like a stand of with me and the big ones. Infact just last week one tryed to fuk wae me! The thing was massive could see his eyeballs f

Nah never interested me, always was suspicious of folk who kept snakes and rats lol Been thinking of getting a marine tank if that's any interest lol

Yea mate they look stunning. And that live coral is expensive, but someone told me that thugs hatch out of it, Abd with the proper lights at night it just comes alive. I'd like to get a proper professional to come set it all up for me though. Teach me the basics for keeping it looking good. Have a 60 litre bio orb and the hassle with algae I'm facing the now is unbelievable. Yes if anyone had marine tank put up some pics Lads.

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Im not a fan of marine tanks i think it ends up such a false environment for fish to live as you end up trying to do so much within one tank............the basic water chemistry isnt too much of a problem more the stock your throwing together..............................as for snakes and reptiles f**k that i couldnt form a bond with anything that kept poking its tongue out at me.

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thats it mate try and produce a natural balanced environment , the best thing is to learn and set it all up yourself it will take the fun out of it having some one els do it for you , there is a vary good forum that is well worth a look and will hold all the info and help you will need to successfully keep marines , its called ultimate reef

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i got nearly all my stuff second hand , there is a hell of alot of equipment needed for a small tank like the one in the pic , i havent got a pick but the tank in the pick the is a second tank in the stand unit bellow that holds all the equipment and the water circulates the 2 tanks , off the top of my head in the tank in the picture there was , 3 LED lighting units, 2 circulation pumps, protien skimmer , uv steriliser , dsb , 3 feed pumps, carbon filter , thermometer , heater , fans , ,,, well you get the idea lol

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Lol I thought tropical fish were a hassle. Guess its not as easy as tipping in a tub of paxo haha. I'll look into it more before I shell out, but I do like the idea of sea horses And those weird shrimps, and like I said some of those corals are mesmerising.

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yes mate vary entertaining , every time you look in the tank it is different , that is just to start lol i had 2 tanks in the shed even lol as you cant use tap water in the tank , its got to be filtered first thro a reverse osmosis filter which is slow , then the water is void of absalutly everything even oxygen lol so has to be oxygenated , salted to the correct salinity , heated to correct temperature etc before use , i could go on all day lol

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no not necessary mate , but the equipment needs to be kept some where and better out of site in the sump tank , there are vary many benefits of a sump tank tho mate , giving much more scope to control the water quality and means to filter it , also can vastly increase the water volume of the tank which will make it much more stable ,in many aspects, increases the surface area of the water to aid in gass exchanges etc

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