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Lost ferret


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Lost my first Jill I ever got and favourite worker on Monday night, as it got dark I had to take my daughter home as we'd only gone out to do a small 5 holer round a pylon that always holds one or two. I left a gutted rabbit in a bag and the guts at the entrance to the hole where she last went down but when I returned no signs at all. She's not the type to kill down and is usually in and out if nothing's home so I'm thinking she either wandered off somehow without us noticing or there was a tunnel linking the warren to the cover which is a good 30 yards away.


Iv been back day and night and early morning with the lamp, set traps and them as well as the rabbit are still untouched. Iv dug out half the warren had my terrier down, had a hob down there incase she was still there down every hole a few times and nothing.


Going back in a bit to just have a mooch about check the traps etc, any other advice as to what I could do would be helpful. I'll keep it up for a week or two but to be honest I think she's gone and especially as its not far from the A1M.


My misses has been ringing all the local vets and RSPCA centres incase someone has found her as she tame and will walk upto people.

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I know all this mate, Iv played out every scenario in my head. Iv dug out one side of the warren now and nothing. Will start the other 2moro.


Like I said its so small I think one of the hobs or even my terrier would have found her or any rabbit possibly blocking her in.

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Had this a few years back I came going back and after a week I took the dog with me and he was sniffing about 50 yards down from where I was ferreting he came on with a hole so I looked round next min the ferret popped out


Hope you find her





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Guest cookiemonsterandmerlin

Sounds very likely she wedge behind a rabbit in stop have you tried another ferret thats lined or with a collar .

How big is the five holer is deep you say its under a pylon chance are the burrow goes under a concrete pile foundation???


Good luck Cookie

Edited by cookiemonsterandmerlin
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