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Top farmer!!

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Went out yesterday to the new bit off permission we gained the other week up near the dales,we met the farmer and showed us where he wanted us to go.After a bag of 15 last time our hopes were high,after doing all the river bank it only produced 2 rabbits but the dog had marked both sets so was pleased with that.


We then contacted the farmer to let him no what we have done and too our suprise while we had been working the sets he had been on the phone gaining us more permission all surrounding his farm and all over run with rabbits!!.He had managed in 2 hours to gain us 4 farms with over 5000acres of land all grasslands with grazing sheep and cattle all willing for the dogs to go on the land and all the farmers were friendly and were keen to show us the best places to ferret.


The largest farm is probably the best and easiest to ferret all sets are extremely drawn out and well used and as we walked around the land there were rabbits diving in sets everywhere!! The farmer also told us that he is 78 as lived on the farm all his life and as only ever been ferreted once by his self in the 60's and as never been done since this is also the case in all the other farms with the last time anyone ferreted was 25years ago as they didnt like people on the land all 4 farms are owned by the same family all run by managers who are intructed to not allow any one on. we dropped lucky as our farmer hunts with the family that own the farms and put in a good word!


After been shown some single hole sets running along a old stone wall that was no longer there but the remanats could be seen and the dog marking all 10 we deceided to give it a go with what time was left off the day and to our delight we bolted 11 rabbits in about 20 mins ferret in rabbit out and so on all way along.


Our farmer even came with us and did a bit of netting up etc which was a great help and after numbers been exchanged we made a agreement that we would ferret every 2 weeks and rotate the farms.


Just to add to this write up received a text off our farmer this morning saying that we made such a good impression he as already been contacted by 3 more farms for us to go ferret on!!


This is no wind up btw totally true and totally mind blowing for myself as have struggled for many years to get one peice of decent land never mind more!!

Edited by ferret1988
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