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how to get more rabbirs on your permo!

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I think if the owner of the permission finds out, it won't really matter how many they produce,or how big they get. It will prob be his ex permission

As has been said at least the lad is out hunting rather than getting in trouble , keep at it Young Man

you old fellas need to keep with the times....lol   he's on his dinner break and getting internet on his phone. just after fingering a bird....them where the days eh lads!!!

He said implode....not explode.


Unless i'm reading it differently!!

So he used a different word to me.............think we are still on the same page???... :hmm:
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He said implode....not explode.


Unless i'm reading it differently!!

So he used a different word to me.............think we are still on the same page???... :hmm:


No i meant implode. Because i thought the point was the lad wanted the rabbits there in order to hunt them? Even so, i know farmers who like a bit of shooting etc, who would be happy to see a decent enough rabbit population, mainly in sheep / cattle areas rather than arable.

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Lol there were. Lot of things at school when I was there. However Internet wasn't one of them, and the only phOne was the one in the house, which you got rioted at if you touched it lol


LOL my mum had a lock on the dial, thinking we wouldn't be able to use it. Never underestimate kids :D

did you tap it out or plug a spare phone in :D


Tap it out :D


Unfortunately for us we didn't know she also got itemised bills so we got battered for it in the end but for a few weeks we thought we were the dogs nuts

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Used to tap the number out myself lol

Every quarter there were riots in my house over the phone bill haha.

My old man ripped it out the wall on one of they rages, had to pay a bill to get it fixed. Mind you they were a hundred plus suppose that's a hefty amount back in the day.

Had that happen... :yes: Young & in Love ,,girls Family ,from The Isles "outer hebrides"..got shipped out in the Summer.

Lovelorn she would phone from a Phone box up the village,get me to reverse the charges ..wasn't Daft :angel: 2 weeks got found out :icon_redface: ...good kicking !and no more Phone.spent the half of the summer Heartbroken :cray::laugh: then the other half Wondering if some one else was Dancing with her :hmm: .Eventually some one DID !!! :sorry:

Ah! to be young again :air_kiss::) .

poor you !

Nah ! Saved could never keep her in the Style she was acustomed too.. :icon_redface: went on to win a prize :toast: and dogs..

You've got that all to look forward to .. :yes: rule 1..when you get a car ,open the door for her ! once she's seated ,stand at yours. If she don't lean over and open it for YOU ,throw her out ..get a new one ..Thinkin' off herself ALREADY not your needs :D

And for re-stocking ...Wild pigs are good survivors ,sure the Local Golf club wouldn't mind a few !!


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