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Best time for rabbits?

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Went out last night at 8.00, the sun had gone down, but still light enough to see. Plenty of rabbits about, but it seemed a bit too dark for the dog to see them before they saw her and they were still too close to their holes too give the dog a decent chance. The dog is 3/4 wippet 1/4 beddy 18tts and coming up 18 months old, has had one half grow bunny about three weeks ago, which was recovering from myxi and seems keen as mustard. Went out again this morning at 6.30, only saw a few rabbits this time (same place as last night). I keep the wind in my face, move as quietly as I can and wear dark clothing. So, what am I doing wrong? What is a good time to go out (morning and night)? The dog as keen as she is, looks like she hasn't got a clue, I'm putting this down to her being young and assume she'll improve if given the time in field. Any advice?


Edited by potfiller
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Can you not afford a torch just to start of with I have an old clulite lamp here I can send that down to you for nothing but I can't find the battery for it .if someone has a battery for one and willi

Found my deban belt with 2 batteries on it iv took it to a sparky and he's going to check the clulite lamp and hopefully wire it up to the batteries and get a charger sorted out pm sent . Jim

night time, but you need a good wind to help to get close to the rabbits. You can go out when its dark with (no) wind you will find the rabbits have heard you coming and they will piss off. Make it as

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cant beat a first light mooch for me, bunnies are fed and you can often find a fool or two that's forgot it's bunny bedtime and are still a little way from home, better still take a ferret in your pocket that wee dog of yours looks just the job for a few bolters. atb

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Sounds as though they're just coming out when you arrive. It could be worth waiting until a few hours after dark and trying them with the lamp...if the ground is open enough for the dog to get a run at them. Try and get between the warrens and rabbits so that you're pushing them out away from the warrens.

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It'll be a couple of months before I can afford a lamp so just trying to make the best of it until then. getting in between warren and bunny won't be easy, but I hear what you're saying and will give it a go. People walk dogs in the field too, so the rabbits are probably quite flighty from this. Cheers for taking the time to answer.


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night time, but you need a good wind to help to get close to the rabbits. You can go out when its dark with (no) wind you will find the rabbits have heard you coming and they will piss off. Make it as hard for them as you can ., not easy :yes:

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Bird - is it worth going out at night without a lamp? The dog seems like she only looks 2-3 yards ahead in the dark, the rabbits bolt for cover maybe 10 yards ahead and she doesn't see them, yet I can. During the day you can see her scanning the whole field. When you say night time do you mean around midnight so its properly dark as opposed to dusk?

Thanks, atb

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Can you not afford a torch just to start of with I have an old clulite lamp here I can send that down to you for nothing but I can't find the battery for it .if someone has a battery for one and willing to give you it That will give you a head start atb Jim

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Can you not afford a torch just to start of with I have an old clulite lamp here I can send that down to you for nothing but I can't find the battery for it .if someone has a battery for one and willing to give you it That will give you a head start atb Jim

Modek number cb2
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haymin them cb2's are a crackin starter lamp, well done on the offer pal



an for the op, if ye put up a ruff location of where ye are im sure somebody will donate a battery to get ye started, if ye local to me ill take ye oot an get ye dog on a bunny or 2 till the penny drops

Edited by reddawn
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Thanks for the offer Jim, very kind of you.I have a 3 x D cell Maglite, but it doesn't have much range. I'll take it out tonight and try again. I was planning on buying a Tracer 140 with a lithium battery @ £225, but as I said it'll be a couple of months before I can afford that. What would you recommend as the cheapest alternative? Probably not a bad idea to have a cheap spare lamp anyway. Found this ; http://www.amazon.co.uk/Cluson-Clu10-Clulite-Rechargeable-light/dp/B0031NFSA0 any good for £30?

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i prefer early morning as there not as alert after having along night out feeding and are usually a bit lathargic with a gut full of grass from ther night before.....................................this is in the winter when they feed more at night...................

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