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Well, it's that time of year again! Had a few short walks out with the dogs and ferrets, but this weekend, we decided to try and get back to it properly.   Up early doors, loaded three jills, and th

Nice pics Jai   That Johnny boy is a rough looking feker eh !??? yeh`d think eh would smarten himself up for a day oot wi the son of God ! but naw!!   Cannae wait to get started masell bud,,  

Few pics from yesterday that I took on the phone.

Wouldn't be going near that f****r! You boys want to get yourself a couple of longnets for them hedges. Great write up, and hopefully see you next week.


thats what i was thinking, make it (bit) eaiser lol, if the rabbits bolt right out (great), but if they sart to go hole-hole you need purse nets.! Great when you get big open berrys and no cover, but get it like above its a( real) test if you really like ferreting :yes: . Well done lads+ lass + ferrets all worked hard for 20 odd rabbits :thumbs:

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Longnets wouldn't be much use as the bunnies just hole hop most of the time, the ones that do try to break cover are usually picked off by the lurchers.

We use a stop net for any that try to sneak back down the hedge, netting up is a pain but the purse nets seem more productive on these hedges.

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Nice to see you boys back at it again! :good:


Tempted to have a little look for a few small buries with the dog, ferret and pocket full of nets myself now the youngest is in school for the morning session.. :thumbs:

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Rake - ferreting hobo? That's rich, with your beard :tongue2:


DE - With regard to long nets, never found them much use on that kind of hedge. Most of the bunnys run inside the hedge, and will either hole hop or run to the next set, so purse nets always work better. Anything that decides to run across the field (and hence into a long net), rarely makes it past the dogs.


Weasel - I hate the fecking stands of wire running through them hedges, tripped me up a few times and had the dog cut himself open on them diving for bunnys.


Skycat - i will ferret anywhere the bunnys are, no matter how tough it is :laugh: I genuinly enjoy getting stung to feck and diving through brambles and thorns if i'm catching rabbits. :thumbs:

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Skycat - i will ferret anywhere the bunnys are, no matter how tough it is :laugh: I genuinly enjoy getting stung to feck and diving through brambles and thorns if i'm catching rabbits. :thumbs:

Very Churchillian Jai, maybe you could come West at some point over the season towards the end of it and put that theory to the test! :D


It'd be easier trying to ferret in the Bornean rainforests than some of the rabbit holding spots round here! :laugh::thumbs:

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I've got a spot of permission that has an old steam railway track running through .... The banks are steep and dense with brambles and hawthorns...its nasty stuff even in january.

I'm going to organise a day or two this season and hopefully meet up with one or 2 other members and have a massive attack on this patch of rabbit sanctuary,


If You and Jonnyboy fancy coming over and having a session you would be made very welcome.

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I've got a spot of permission that has an old steam railway track running through .... The banks are steep and dense with brambles and hawthorns...its nasty stuff even in january.

I'm going to organise a day or two this season and hopefully meet up with one or 2 other members and have a massive attack on this patch of rabbit sanctuary,


If You and Jonnyboy fancy coming over and having a session you would be made very welcome.

Aye vin if Jesus is up for it then I'll be there too, thanks for the invite mate. :thumbs:

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