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kicking off with muslims in Oz

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Any religon is just a way for strong minded people to control weeker minded people. Thats why the wankers at the top never strap bombs to themselves.

Or in fact ride horses for thousands of miles to fight arabs.


All religon is shite, made up false shite. The people causing this trouble are not holy types, just thugs with an excuse.


You'll go to the bad fire for saying that :yes:

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Any religon is just a way for strong minded people to control weeker minded people. Thats why the wankers at the top never strap bombs to themselves. Or in fact ride horses for thousands of miles to

If only people could see that their real enemy wears a suit and stirs the shit from behind a veil.

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Watched a documentary on tv a few weeks ago "The truth about Islam" Islam is in the scheme of things a modern religeon and was only created around 600 AD and it went on to say in the whole of the Koran there is a factual reference to only one place (does not mention a city or refer to a known place). It uses the Old Testament to reference prior to this.

No evidence in the middle east documents anything about Mohamed it's only 60+ years after his death that he 1st appears on a coin promoting Islam as a faith.

There's a lot of angry people running around killing themselves and others based on this book

I watched a documentary series about the holy land, was an eye opener.. :yes: The twisted backward way they interpret their prophets teachings are a far cry from what he originally came up with.. The whole religion is based on the old testament and some of the new. One of the only diffence is they believe Jesus to be a profit, not the son of god.. All the strife because different people interpret the same thing in different ways..


The thing is Malt at least Christianity has references to places cities kings and queens based on fact whether we choose to believe Christianity or not. Now I admit I haven't read the Koran but this guy was some professor historian type guy who had studied it in depth went to try and find some physical reference of fact and I got the impression it could have been written by JR Tolken for all the facts it presents and people are being killed forthis faith....

people have been/are being killed for far less mate :yes:


Sadly that's true, though I wonder how many of these people strapping on a bomb have actually read the book and not just been preached at and had there head twisted by extremists

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Watched a documentary on tv a few weeks ago "The truth about Islam" Islam is in the scheme of things a modern religeon and was only created around 600 AD and it went on to say in the whole of the Koran there is a factual reference to only one place (does not mention a city or refer to a known place). It uses the Old Testament to reference prior to this.

No evidence in the middle east documents anything about Mohamed it's only 60+ years after his death that he 1st appears on a coin promoting Islam as a faith.

There's a lot of angry people running around killing themselves and others based on this book

I watched a documentary series about the holy land, was an eye opener.. :yes: The twisted backward way they interpret their prophets teachings are a far cry from what he originally came up with.. The whole religion is based on the old testament and some of the new. One of the only diffence is they believe Jesus to be a profit, not the son of god.. All the strife because different people interpret the same thing in different ways..


The thing is Malt at least Christianity has references to places cities kings and queens based on fact whether we choose to believe Christianity or not. Now I admit I haven't read the Koran but this guy was some professor historian type guy who had studied it in depth went to try and find some physical reference of fact and I got the impression it could have been written by JR Tolken for all the facts it presents and people are being killed forthis faith....

people have been/are being killed for far less mate :yes:


Sadly that's true, though I wonder how many of these people strapping on a bomb have actually read the book and not just been preached at and had there head twisted by extremists

more likely in fear of their families being slaughtered or offered enough money to keep their families for life, poverty and a lack of education means they are easy targets for the men in black to manipulate
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Watched a documentary on tv a few weeks ago "The truth about Islam" Islam is in the scheme of things a modern religeon and was only created around 600 AD and it went on to say in the whole of the Koran there is a factual reference to only one place (does not mention a city or refer to a known place). It uses the Old Testament to reference prior to this.

No evidence in the middle east documents anything about Mohamed it's only 60+ years after his death that he 1st appears on a coin promoting Islam as a faith.

There's a lot of angry people running around killing themselves and others based on this book

Aye did he not marry a 6year old girl and the marriage was consummated when she was 10yrs :censored:
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The bottom line is, we can pander to them, we can appease them, we can humour them and bend to their ways.

The end result will be the same, this cancer in our society will have to be addressed, and this, the meek shall inherit the earth pish will be shown to be just that, pish.

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Won't they just get booted out of Australia if they kick off over there?

yeah some muslim was offended by nude sunbathers in oz the woman whos running the show over there said well if you dont lke it pissoff, but in nicer words obviously, what a lady, bring her to england!
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