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what food do you feed your dogs ans pups?

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whatever suits you & whats available to you, I would never go back to complete food after 5yrs of flesh feeding

All the left over school dinners from the swill bins

raw meat and bone

Raw veg mix any good as it can be bought for around 60p for a lb?

I do have liver chunks also, forgot to mention.

Brown bread?

I can get mackerel on the cheap sometimes, is that ok?

Is mixer very nessersary?

I feed burns to my staffords but want a raw diet for the bed x whip and might turn to raw for the rest if I can master it!




It can be a very broad and in depth subject mate and everyone will tell you differently.


Where do you get that veg from? Is it minced? Should do the job a few times a week. I dont see the point in feeding dry kibble if feeding a good VARIED raw diet.


I was feeding 2 meals a day until recently, rack of lamb ribs in the morning and then a meal of meat, brown bread and veg in the evening. However the meal of bone on its own was proving tough on the stomach and the dog was shitting balls of chalk. So now I just feed one meal at night.


I try to aim for tripe twice a week, meaty butchers scraps and offal twice a week, chicken mince twice a week and tinned fish in tomatoe once a week.


Every day she gets the above with a slice of brown bread and a couple of chicken wings, half a rack of ribs or a chicken carcass. On the chicken mince days she gets a good glug of cod liver oil and on the meat and offal days she gets a teaspoon of keepers mix.


She is doing ok on it i think...


Veg is blended then bagged. Hopefully will get on the right side of a few butchers and snap up weekly bags of meaty bones, but can buy them from a supplier. I just want to do what's best for her and feed the best!!



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skinned rabbit, chicken carcasses, hearts, waste like windpipe, bit of liver, frozen left over veg, i freeze it in bags if there's any left over after a meal, boiled brown rice, stale brown bread, and anything else i dig out of the freezer within reason, fill the freezer up with it all, then defrost and put through the mincer and frozen in portions. easy as piss defrost in fridge over night and feed at tea time. i think shes doing great on it and its amazing the reduction in the amount of shit compared to biscuit.

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