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Best ferret dogs

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I realise you,re only trying to guide the lad in the correct way leveller but imo you worry too much what the antis think when I,m entering a dog to the ferreting I,ll let it grab netted bunnys on th

No youre right it isnt my intention at all. As ive stated im a complete novice to hunting unless you include angling.  Seeing my dogs potential and interest in hunting was what led me down this rout

star when they're young easy really and not just the dogs and ferrets

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  On 13/09/2012 at 16:20, KittleRox said:
  On 13/09/2012 at 15:06, Ideation said:

The thing is, you are basiclly agreeing that the dog catching the rabbit is 'cruel'.

who,s agreeing its cruel :hmm:


Sorry mate, not you. That was aimed at leveller.


Most of the anti's arguments are based around it being 'cruel', so if we say that by suggesting that you wish to see your dog catch the bolters, you are provising the antis with fuel - then you are basicly agreeing with them, that it is or can be seen as cruel. That would make lamping with a dog a big no no, and probably using ferrets, also a bad thing.


Whereas i would argue that bolting to the dog would be the most natural and fair way of doing it.


As long as you go about what you do in a respectful manner, and can justify it to yourself and someone else with a brain, then its ok by me.


As for leaving holes unetted, i would net everything you can, with all this cover you will probably miss a hole anyway, and trust me, you will feel more elated by seeing your dog pinning a bunny in a net than you will watching it get straight lined by one, or losing it in the cover etc.


Good luck!

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My best ferreting dog was a JR he wouldn't catch bolting rabbits unless he was close by as they bolted. But he would work any thickness of cover and any terrain and put them too ground. Then If I couldn't find him I would shout where are you boy and he would give a very quiet woof as he seemed too know quietness was key. Awesome little fella


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  On 15/09/2012 at 16:16, crorider said:

Whats the last dog? and is the black dog 100% whippet?


The last dog, is a collie x greyhound (3/8 5/8), and probably the best ferreting dog i have seen. She is eight.


The black dog is 100 % whippet (well, as 100% as any of the strong working whippets are), but i big, strong lad. He's two and a half and shaping into a good ferreting dog, although he works best 1:1, and is an excellent mooching dog.


The other two are a collie/whippet/grey (blueish brindle) and a line bred collie/grey x collie/grey (etc) (red brindle).


and can't forget the little dogs!




Russel type terrier, great for covering holes in thick cover etc.

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Really like the look of the 3/8 5/8 collie/grey. Thats what im after in a few months, or 1/4 3/4 not too fussed.


Did you see much earlier magwitch? i see you walking to where id just been earlier on my way back. I see quite a few rats down by the road but the wrong side of the fence for the dog to get at em. First time he's seen any he went mental!

Edited by crorider
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  On 13/09/2012 at 15:26, sam4530s said:



this is my dog daisy , she is an english bull terrier , we work a local farm that breed stock for the food chain .

she has never caught a bunny but she does mark up very well.

a stunning looking english bull you don't see many like that now. How tall is she?
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  On 16/09/2012 at 12:13, tomas said:
  On 13/09/2012 at 15:26, sam4530s said:

this is my dog daisy , she is an english bull terrier , we work a local farm that breed stock for the food chain .

she has never caught a bunny but she does mark up very well.

a stunning looking english bull you don't see many like that now. How tall is she?

she not very tall but is well built and very agile she runs up the bonnet of my dads transit and kisses his parson's from the roof top .

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  On 16/09/2012 at 12:36, Aaron Proffitt said:

Probably one of the best looking EBT's I've ever seen.


thanks aaron i travelled about 300 miles to get her, 8 weeks old she was no bigger than my hand , took her out with me today and she worked very well she pinned 2 rabbits down and guarded the other 5 all day bless her i was well pleased :boogy:

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  On 15/09/2012 at 22:49, crorider said:

Really like the look of the 3/8 5/8 collie/grey. Thats what im after in a few months, or 1/4 3/4 not too fussed.


Did you see much earlier magwitch? i see you walking to where id just been earlier on my way back. I see quite a few rats down by the road but the wrong side of the fence for the dog to get at em. First time he's seen any he went mental!

The Terrier nailed one................................

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