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stud dogs/ puppy pedlars

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dog pedlars well on that subgect /// one must understand if it wasent for dog breeders buying in top stuff and breeding them wheather for fame or furtune


we would not have the quality of today /// remember everyone whants to have a top dog just think of this when a man wins a big comp everyone whants to line a bitch with this dog

its like jm lucas the dog has proven to be a top dog bought uk and ireland guys came all over ireland and uk to get a linein does this make jm or any other men bad for doing this

i dont think so for to have a good dog or bitch one has to put in a lot of time and money etc there notting cheap in breeding dogs with cost of feed wormers jabs etc


if you no the breeder and trust him or her and the breeding well one cant go to far wrong

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if a dog or bitch is shite then the truth will out i.e no fooker will have herd of it or its line in a couple of years






I don't agree not everyone wants to show there dogs off and make it public or tell ppl what line it's off and sometimes u can have a good dog from a non known dog or mating . Not saying I have a dog like that but I did get a dog from a rescue and he is possibly the best dog I owned . I did have a litter off him and some pups went to family homes and some working now the working ones did what they had to do filled the freezer . But back to the thread I never would just use my dog for anyone as I do believe u are helping puppy peddles .

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In my opinion anyone who lets their dog cover ANY bitch is as bad as a puppy farmer, a stud dog should only be used on a bitch with equal qualities to the dog, anything else will just bring the name and repute of the dog down, why bring problems into a line??? if people are happy with their dog they should keep the lines tight, mass produced or over used stud dogs is down to money and when this happens dishonesty comes to the fore......................... A pedigree is only as honest as the man/woman that wrote it !!!!!

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well if a man pays xamount for stud fee he must think his or her bitch is a good one in the first place

and everyman has to start some where

and if everyone was thinking the same way there would be only a handfull of top dogs

just look at all the top lines are going today by people shareing

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