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hillsborough papers releasd

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It,s great that the truth is finally out , I,m pleased for the families especially , and the city as a whole . After all the hard work , blood , sweat and tears put in by the those involved in the ca

We knew the truth we knew the lies we knew who was to blame. The people of Liverpool today have just been proved right all football fans have today been vindercated The lies have been outed the p

Seen a few programs with that fella the father of them Hicks girls what a classy and dignified man he is.............its people like him id tip my hat to showed great character all these years id of w

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State word for word what the rat said the fans never made are job any easier not they contributed a massive difference and the rat is the chief of a another Yorkshire constabulary , we. Know Norman I'd rather deal with sadam Hussein were he still alive than a proven liar Like BETTERSON who went on to say it did not cause the incident as the sun shining that day never made fans linger as the kick off approached clever lier. To boot never let the truth get in the way of a good story

Edited by gonetoearth
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I'm not arguing with you mate. I'm on your side.

Police corruption need to be punished big time.

I also think those responsible for erecting those fences should face culpable homicide charges, particularly if fans were previously hurt in a separate incident.

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  On 13/09/2012 at 17:49, bezza said:

I'm not arguing with you mate. I'm on your side.

Police corruption need to be punished big time.

I also think those responsible for erecting those fences should face culpable homicide charges, particularly if fans were previously hurt in a separate incident.

Nither am I just statements by the likes of him get miss interpreted And people believe the shit no problem bud

A had an interesting argument with fat ken bates over his idea of electrifying the fences , The likes of him have milked football and stepped on the fans for years. Any way Like you I support another team. But. Hope and wish the. Justice campaign well And gnash asked before what do they want and would see as justice well gnash there are two separate campaign.groups Who split over the aims hicks group want criminal proceedings. And the guilty to serve time the other group have not diclosed. After yesterday.

Edited by gonetoearth
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I would imagine the least they could expect is some kind of perverting the course of justice charge........i wouldnt like to see individual plods on the day charged after all they was just doing as they was told.......or even the ones who made bad decisions after all the 80,s just seemed to be a decade of disasters the Bradford fire,Kings Cross station,Townsend Thorsen,The Marchioness,Piper Alpha it just seemed a time where public events took a hammering none of them were on purpose the only difference being the horrible lies and cover ups that took place after Hillsborough they should be strung up by their bollocks for that.........and as for the plods who got paid over a million in compensation for the trauma they suffered and those poor relatives got nothing..........you just cant put it into words.

You talk about those crowds i remember being in the chicken run down West Ham many a time where even a big fella like me would be getting carried along with neither of my feet on the ground....nothing nasty in it just over eagerness it all seemed like a laugh at the time....your right as regards the way football fans are treated,ive been saying to folk all week......just imagine if 96 people would of got killed at the Olympics just gone,do you think it would take 23 years to find the truth,would it f**k !....................but for years football fans were just seen as lowlife shitbags not worthy of any honesty.


Did i get that right you an Everton fan was at a Liverpool semi final ? :blink: ......Very odd,id get the shit kicked out of me just for standing outside Millwalls ground let alone going to a game :D

Edited by gnasher16
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oh ok i just looked again,parted at the m6 i gotcha.....i forget now who was the other semi final Everton and who ?.....cant be arsed to look it up.....

And by the way Chelsea did have electric fences...............they just never got turned on.

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oh course it was.....................they knocked my little mob out in the quarters :icon_redface: ............after we,d gone and beat Arsenal in an earlier round as well.


Anyway......that plod who Bezzas on about actually went on record as saying " i have nothing to hide " :icon_eek: ............saucy c**t !..............maybe should of said nothing ELSE to hide.

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didnt know that bates sat two seats away fom me with the russian just before he was kicked out he flipped when we pushed past him the russians body gauds wernt happy either but they could say fook all we had tickets we didnt know who the fook ambravitch was :laugh: bates was in that fur coat the tossa waited till we come back started shouting security security thats [bANNED TEXT] i said sit down chubby no lecky fences here the security came down we were in are seats by then bates is pointing and waving his arm the stewards just looked and fooked of every time he stood every one around started meowing and shouting sit down fatty bates left early :laugh:

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  On 13/09/2012 at 19:43, gnasher16 said:

oh course it was.....................they knocked my little mob out in the quarters :icon_redface: ............after we,d gone and beat Arsenal in an earlier round as well.


Anyway......that plod who Bezzas on about actually went on record as saying " i have nothing to hide " :icon_eek: ............saucy c**t !..............maybe should of said nothing ELSE to hide.

as i said bud he got the chief con job on merseyside to add to the insult he upset the red half on more than one occasion a right chippy fooker
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  On 13/09/2012 at 19:50, lanesra said:

GoneToEarth just seen a clip of people using hoardings as stretchers ..... Oh My God Police Standing Arms Folded Watching , Doing Absolutely Nothing What The Fukc Where They Thinking .... I Cant Believe this ... REALLY SHOCKING !!

ive heard every story over the years lads going into the gym to identifi a mate coppers stood laffing and joking supping cups of tea , i could go on but its all private and dont think me mates would be happy me putting it on here some sad things happend bud hope they get the result they want and hope the lying scum get there day in court time will tell eh
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  On 13/09/2012 at 19:58, gonetoearth said:
  On 13/09/2012 at 19:50, lanesra said:

GoneToEarth just seen a clip of people using hoardings as stretchers ..... Oh My God Police Standing Arms Folded Watching , Doing Absolutely Nothing What The Fukc Where They Thinking .... I Cant Believe this ... REALLY SHOCKING !!

ive heard every story over the years lads going into the gym to identifi a mate coppers stood laffing and joking supping cups of tea , i could go on but its all private and dont think me mates would be happy me putting it on here some sad things happend bud hope they get the result they want and hope the lying scum get there day in court time will tell eh

Disgracefull Mate ... Seen Enough G , No need to Repeat Private Thoughts Mate :thumbs:
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The reason the ol bill were not helping is because most of them were stood around the halfway line forming a barricade to stop Liverpool and Forest fans " getting to each other "....................watch any old news clip you will see them yourself,they were so obssessed with stopping hooligan trouble they stood by while folk died.....but its ok because they didnt die from hooliganism !!

I remember chatting with a lad some years ago a Spurs fan who had been injured at that Leppings Lane end against Wolves 81 or 82 whenever it was..............he said there was 50 odd injured all over the pitch that day,but if just 1 had died it would of saved the lives of those 96 Liverpool fans.......always stuck in my mind those words.

Edited by gnasher16
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