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Two up, two down

Guest Leveller

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Nice, she seems to be coming on well for you. I took my bitch out last night, shes two no longer a pup, but seemed to have forgotten everything she learnt last season on the last two trips out. Last night she finally remembered what she was for and managed three for four runsin the first field, all retrieved and no crunching! I was over the moon as i'd been starting to despair! Should have stayed out longer and made the most of it but thought i'd finish on a high.

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Not a bad night for lamping so I took the greenhorn out for some education (and my ferrets were starving) two nice easy runs and two perfectly delivered live rabbits to hand.


Excuse the shite phonepic.



did you take paulas out with you...........................lol , thanks for shareing ............................i will be breaking mine in gently doing abit more each night try and improve fitness..........as ive been un able to get out for a little bit due to me mrs health

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