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So if you wanted to go over for a few days, would the dog still have to wait 6 months until it could come back?

No mate, its dead easy now a days.

You just need the pet passport (about 150 all in) then with a day or so of your leaving date you take it to a local vet where they give it some wormers and check it over, easy as that. I think the rabies jab that costs most of the 150 and it lasts for 3 years

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ive always fancied hungary after reading that 90% of there diet was meat but then again theres always poland, that should be quite sparsley populated by now

Well as luck would have it I'm currently in Poland for a month with the dog, the idea was to give her a few runs on hares so by the time our season kicks in properly she'll be mega fit......THE bigges

in all seriousness, if someone does want to give it a whirl PM me as my mrs' mother owns a guest house and she's fine with you bringing your dogs over, German and Czech borders are both less than 8 mi

I know a few lads that have to go to poland to work in big construction firms they all say the same its a s**t hole. But guess it depends what you want in life...

How would you get on running dogs over there winter temps -20 down it would want good feet.

depends where they went, it's a big country!

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So if you wanted to go over for a few days, would the dog still have to wait 6 months until it could come back?

no you'd get it vaccinated 6 months before you go :thumbs:

Its less mate, I think you need the rabbies vac no less then about 15 days before your due to leave the UK, suppose for it to have its proper effect

Edited by lapin2008
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Lads with dogs other than coursing should tread carefully as if your dog is marked up heavily and you travel abroad for doing things you can still be prosecuted as you are resident here and some legislation in EU can be tricky for example if you sent a litter of pups from England to Eire to have them docked and then brought them back you could be prosecuted if the litter and reason for docking didnt comply with UK legislation could be the same with certain hunting activities

Edited by desertbred
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As i say it depends what you want in life..When you have polish vets working over here in the local petrol station and earning more.

Id rather be poor in a country with good infrastructure than rich in a poor one.

I fancy canada but the wife will have non of it.Im lucky i guess ,im happy hunting the humble rabbit so stupid laws dont effect me to much.

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Lads with dogs other than coursing should tread carefully as if your dog is marked up hevily and you travel abroad for doing things you can still be prosecuted as you are resident here and some legislation in EU can be tricky for example if you sent a litter of pups from England to Eire to have them docked and then brought them back you could be prosecuted if the litter and reason for docking didnt comply with UK legislation could be the same with certain hunting activities


True mate, I'm in 2 minds whether to take a couple of mine on my irish trip :thumbs:

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Lads with dogs other than coursing should tread carefully as if your dog is marked up heavily and you travel abroad for doing things you can still be prosecuted as you are resident here and some legislation in EU can be tricky for example if you sent a litter of pups from England to Eire to have them docked and then brought them back you could be prosecuted if the litter and reason for docking didnt comply with UK legislation could be the same with certain hunting activities

You cant get done if you dont break the law. simple. If dog is marked up due to working legal quarry in another country, you simply need to prove veterinary treatment has been/is being given.

You cant get done for doing LEGAL pest control in other countries.

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