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Jagd Terriers on Sambar in Australia

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Victoria in Australia is one of the few places in the world where hunters can hunt Sambar Deer all year round. The use of hounds, versatile hunting dogs (gun dogs) and some terrier breeds including Jagds is permitted. Jagd Terriers are a very handy breed for hunting Sambar in the temperate forests of the Victorian Alps where the terrain is in hospitable and bush is thick and the going is tough. Jagd Terriers are released on fresh deer marks (sign) and hunters are stategicallyt places on game trails, river crossings etc. The flush the deer by trail barking (similar to a hound) to waiting riflemen. The high prey drive and excellent tail barking ability of Jagds makes them a favoured breed for this type of hunting. They are also very handy pig and fox hunters. I have a few Jagd Terriers and they will hunt anything I hunt - there aren't any passengers around here.


Sambar (Cervus unicolour) are a the largest of all of the introduced deer species in Australia (there are no native deer in Australia). They have adapted very well and have established themselves as the premier game species in this country. They are hard and tough critters almost the size of Elk and have no natural predators in Australia. They have bred up well and have become a nuisance in many areas. They provide excellent sport for stalker and dog man alike.

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Oh so the dog flushes the deer ? Sounds like good sport do you not get dogs going to ground a lot ?

Yeah! It's OK when they go to ground when you are hunting foxes but its a major pain in the A$$ when they go down a wombat hole for a visit during a deer hunt. Trash breaking techniques need to be employed for time to time ;) .
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good goin but whats trash breaking techniques mate


I think it will be the same way as the Americans do it ;)

Probably with static correction aka ( fry the buggers with a shock collar) or shoot them in the arse with rat shot

Much more can be achieved with a kind word and a Dogtra 300m than a kind word alone....................................... Edited by steamingutpiles
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good goin but whats trash breaking techniques mate


I think it will be the same way as the Americans do it ;)

Probably with static correction aka ( fry the buggers with a shock collar) or shoot them in the arse with rat shot

Much more can be achieved with a kind word and a Dogtra 300m than a kind word alone.......................................

:clapper: :clapper: True mate, I've seen a few clips of coyote hounds in america getting the treatment for running trash, deer and that :yes:
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