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silencers for BSA ultra?

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HW , you wont get better , no point trying loads . HW will be the best , you`ll be shocked how good it is .


great all round pcp mod, my mate has one on his ultra and its great. The one his ultra came with was just an orniment in comparison.

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TWINK MKII from Davy or Darryl.


Trust me, it was quieter on the Ultra than the HW :yes: Soz Bust, but that is the way it is. HW are great, but on that lil rifle the Twink was the better :yes:



Edited by Phantom
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  • 2 weeks later...

I've used BSA VCs, HW and Twinks on my Ultras and I've found the following:


For balance and keeping the rifle small and compact the HW.


For looks the Twink.


For a slightly quieter rifle it is the Twink.


If your going to the meet try a few there buddy as each rifle will be slightly different.


I've got a few Sandwell Field Sports silencers people can try to. Got one on my r10 and I'm more than impressed.





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