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Ferret behaviour


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I have here a 2 tier ferret hutch the top has a wooden floor,The bottom were i feed is concrete.These are joined by a 4" pipe that runs around the out side of the hutch.

The last couple of days the jills are scrapping the bedding from the top to the bottom and leaving it at the bottom of the pipe.The pipe comes into the hutch about 8" above the ground to stop them dragging the rabbits up the pipe.

They have lived in the hutch for over a year now and have never scrapped the bedding down before,So this behaviour has had me scrathing my head,All i can come up with is there is a late litter of kits that are just turning 4 weeks old,Could the jills be preparing for the kits to come down the pipe building it up so they dont injure there selves as they drop down?

Its the best i can come up with ,interested in what others think.


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I also think it is the heat pal,as I have a two tier huch too, my hob is on his own in the top one and has not pulled any of the bedding out of his nest box but I have four jills at the bottom which have pulled all of the bedding out, I am thinking because they were too hot from the heat off each other plus the bedding, were the hob is on his own so just has the heat from the bedding, if this makes sense?

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