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Need a concrete base for kennel with drainage bulidng, reccomendations?

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Lads, need some advice..


i will be needing a concrete base installing in my back garden to build my new kennel on. Obviously i would like it with some sort of drainage installed, i have access to a drain point near by from which the guttering from my house goes in to.. Can any one reccomend any one?


or if any one knows any one who builds resonably priced kennels please let me know



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Here are a few pics of the build will put more up when it's done ......      

fook mixin it pal its as cheap to buy these days an less hassle loads of companys just charge ye for what you want dont have to be a set amount ye can get half a metre or what ever bit ye need obvious

Update pic for cleanspade the outside run panels are up ........    

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fook mixin it pal its as cheap to buy these days an less hassle loads of companys just charge ye for what you want dont have to be a set amount ye can get half a metre or what ever bit ye need obviously costs go on top but its cheap as chips to buy in rather then mix it beleive me if ye do save any dollar by time ye mixed it ye woulda wished to pay that bit extra for delivery..keep us posted how ye go an put some piccys up as ye do it all the best marra... :thumbs:

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  On 08/09/2012 at 16:01, wezza said:

Lads, need some advice..


i will be needing a concrete base installing in my back garden to build my new kennel on. Obviously i would like it with some sort of drainage installed, i have access to a drain point near by from which the guttering from my house goes in to.. Can any one reccomend any one?


or if any one knows any one who builds resonably priced kennels please let me know



do it yourself and just run a plasic drain channel down to the sewer pipe or into a soakaway :thumbs:


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Thanks for the advice lads..


Some novice questions... Here goes..


I have one problem being that I live in a mid terrace and access to my back garden can only be accessed through my house or at a push if I speak with next door and remove a fence panel and use his walkway. This means I getting gear in to my back garden is a bit of a chew on.

If I went down the route of getting a mix dropped off, what would they drop it in? as I would have to take it through in a barrow which may take some time


If I was to hire a mixer and station it in my garden and make my own mix obviously this would take some time to fill my shuttering so would the cement be ok and not set in the time it takes for me to fill the wood work and level it?


Regarding draining this has been doing my nut in because the drain I want to use is the only drain in my garden and this is where the guttering falls in to, this is right up against the wall under my kitchen window, how would I connect into this? Considering The base will be right next to it?


What is a soak away?


Sorry for th daft questions lads but as you can tell I'm no Builder haha!!

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buy the 40kg bags of ballast and cement and carry to back yard ,then mix up in garden its alot cleaner that way,if you npay for ready mix and a concrete pump to get it round the back your be paying a fortune mate,a soakaway is a pit filled with rubble that takes the rain water off your roof and lets it perculate into te ground,if you pick up dog sit off slab and hose down id just let te water run off into garden.

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To be honest qbgrey I'm only kennelling one dog as my other two are in the house and like you say I will be picking the shit up anyway so the amount of pee won't be a lot so I'm tempted just to make the slab on a slight gradient and flush away with hose onto grass as this seems like the easiest option. It's just the smell I'm concerned with but I will be keeling it clean and flushing daily so may not be a problem.


The 40kg bags of ballast and cement are these pre mixed?


The area will be 14.5ft x 6.5ft so not sure on quantitys. I will need


Appreciate the help lads, thanks

Edited by wezza
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  On 08/09/2012 at 17:39, paulus said:
  On 08/09/2012 at 16:01, wezza said:

Lads, need some advice..


i will be needing a concrete base installing in my back garden to build my new kennel on. Obviously i would like it with some sort of drainage installed, i have access to a drain point near by from which the guttering from my house goes in to.. Can any one reccomend any one?


or if any one knows any one who builds resonably priced kennels please let me know



do it yourself and just run a plasic drain channel down to the sewer pipe or into a soakaway :thumbs:

thats exactly what I used on both of the kennells,just wash/hose the power floated floors and straight down the drain and..........GONE FOREVER........AH BLISS,lol.
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  On 08/09/2012 at 19:34, wezza said:

Looks a neat job that mate hope mine turns out as good ha!

picking the shite up is all well and good but when you disinfect and then hose onto the grass you end up with no grass and something that looks like a world war 1 battlefield in winter :laugh:
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