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wanting to start up?

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well am wanting to start up air rifling been intrested in it for a while but into my lurchers and ferrets they come first but now got them want to get an air rifle!! well couple questions i want to shoot rats rabbits crows rooks and pidgeons mostly so what is the perfect gun for that and where to get it dont want to be spending over £200


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to be fair mate there isnt one perfect gun for it.. especially not for < £200


a decent little bsa supersport/lightning or weihrauch 99 97 95 77 80 with a little 3-9x40 scope on would be a decent choice if you can find one for your £200


maybe saving another £100 then you will have £300 you might have more chance of getting a decent rifle+scope combo


good luck mate :victory:

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hw 80... most the springers today worrk, as in the barrels are way better than they used to be.(avoid the ell cheepo things theyre heaps a shit).


i'd save 400 and go for a pcp.. stealth s200 etc..orr a rapid if you com e accross a nice price for a SH..mainly because your looking at 400 shots to a fill in 400cc rapid cylinder.

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