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stud dog

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if you have a very good dog. and its to be put to stud. do you think it should be used. only on quality bitches. (aproved) or would the breed benefit more if it covered all comers. i know there are both schools of thought. what are your view. and why do you hold it.


my personal opinion is if a very good dog is used on all comers its genes will be thicker on the ground. to be tapped into. :hmm:

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very good dog should only be put to very good bitch if you put dog across any bitch it will end up getting the dog a bad name for breeding poor off spring and as for thickening the blood on the ground

i personally think its quite logical......................................best to the best , why take a chance on bitches not making the grade ,just asking for trouble in my opionion .................

The more bitches its used on the more chances it has of throwing workers-its a numbers game.If you look at greyhounds Brett lee (fastest dog in the world) x paua to burn (fastest bitch in the world) a

if you have a very good dog. and its to be put to stud. do you think it should be used. only on quality bitches. (aproved) or would the breed benefit more if it covered all comers. i know there are both schools of thought. what are your view. and why do you hold it.


my personal opinion is if a very good dog is used on all comers its genes will be thicker on the ground. to be tapped into. :hmm:

i personally think its quite logical......................................best to the best , why take a chance on bitches not making the grade ,just asking for trouble in my opionion ...................

only peddlars cover everything.............

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very good dog should only be put to very good bitch if you put dog across any bitch it will end up getting the dog a bad name for breeding poor off spring and as for thickening the blood on the ground it will have the oppisite affect the only reason someone would let their good dog cross a poor bitch is money and that is what is ruining the terrier game and as for the bitch i prefer to see her work first or someone i know see her work and even then your not certain of getting workers

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I would only let approved bitches. My reasons are that I think that a proven bitch is a must to breed workers . If you let any old bitch to be bred from you might be lucky but after a few generation you'll be so be getting crap . And adding to the long list of failures! Jmho

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In saying that what people say and do are two different things ! I've recently been contacted by a fella that's been on here and wanted to get into a bit of terrier work. Long story short he's very green and when I asked how old his bitch was he said 16 months old . I then said" so you'll be looking forward to trying her out in the new season" his answer was I can't do anything with her yet as she's in pup" the bloke I brought her from said it was ok if I put it to his dog!

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i only have one dog and ts a lurcher. and not to be used at stud. the terriers i have are bitches' out of four i only consider one for breeding. she works fine entered early but has only been worked lightly so not what you would call tested. out of very good working stuff. old lines .

she isnt tested like i say but i wouldnt hesitate to take a litter out of her and hold one for myself. if you guys are right then good quality stock is lost to you.


top working dogs years ago where bred to all and sundry. if there was a very good dog it passed on its genes to everything . it wasnt long before every terrier in the district looked like it :yes: and generally a lot of them worked like it also. the downside . lots of shit was bred. and

on the upside a few crackers. these would cover everything and so on and so forth. the shit wasnt a problem to working lads . just litter wastage. and cheep /free pets for the locals. :D

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Don,t know how long ago your talking"top working dogs years ago where bred to all and sundry"but maybe before my time,i,m 40,but all the older blokes i know disagree with you.


i'm early fifties. and i was in lancashire as a lad and there was a lot of very good terriers around. border lakie types. worker to worker bred . generally if you had a half decent bitch you went to the best local dog . and there was a similar look to most of the dogs in the area.


i'm in central scotland now and its the same here. there are still some very good old russell lines floating about that where bred . in the same fashion. and thinking about it still are. you would be very unlucky to get a duffer out of these old terriers . :thumbs:


edited to add you and the older fella's you spoke to must have moved in different circles. good hunting :thumbs:

Edited by Cleanspade
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cleanspade iam guessing it it stays clean hence the name regards


i really should change it to rustyshovel. your spot on. :thumbs: as i am with the fact that the majority of terriers worked to ground are bred by local lads amongst each other. and in most cases a good dog will be used to cover the majority of working bitches not just the best of them :yes:

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surely the lines that you are crossing should be closely related? I mean the same blood but different sires & dams as to make sure the appropriate genes seem to gel for the appropriate work you intend to do with it, or are you your just studding the dog out willy nilly... to just any old russell or black or lakeland or whatever?

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surely the lines that you are crossing should be closely related? I mean the same blood but different sires & dams as to make sure the appropriate genes seem to gel for the appropriate work you intend to do with it, or are you your just studding the dog out willy nilly... to just any old russell or black or lakeland or whatever?


i personally dont have a stud dog. and believe what your saying to be a matter of individual choice. do you think that tighter bred terriers produce better success rates than worker to worker. scatter bred. terriers. i'm just poseing the questions as a matter of interest :yes: .


if i had a very good well bred terrier. i would cover most working bitches with it as i feel it would improve the stock and open the gene pool.

that is my thoughts on the matter :yes:

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