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locator collar on ferret

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They soon learn the collar means getting out mate and they quickly settle down . but in the meantime just take them out and put the collar on them .It might help if you put the end threw the buckle so you have a circle them pop there head in it and tighten it up ?.

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I normally start them around 6/7 months, although that's not gospel as some are smaller and some bigger, so this would also affect the decision. You have to be the judge of that and if your confident of sending your ferret out. Don't forget they have to be big and strong to not only bolt the rabbits, but to not get hurt or discouraged as well. Sometimes i don't work kits until the next year, just depends on the circumstances.

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The two hobs i bred this year are bolting rabbits now.


Sometimes you get a ferret thats very excitble.


Get somebody to hold the ferret then you have both hands free to put the collar on.


Sometimes i buckle the collar up first then slide it over the ferrets head

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The litter i bred this year are very highly spirited.


When they are not sleeping or eating they are play fighting.


They wake us in the night with there antics- they get very vocal when it starts getting rough.


Never had ferrets so full off it.

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The two hobs i bred this year are bolting rabbits now.


Sometimes you get a ferret thats very excitble.


Get somebody to hold the ferret then you have both hands free to put the collar on.


Sometimes i buckle the collar up first then slide it over the ferrets head

I wouldnt do that any more mate. I near lost 2 collars last season with them getting caught under ground and slipping off, and that was when I put them on tight. Its a bitch when they come off under big trees, you can get a mark, but try and get a spade deeper than a foot..
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i have 1 of this seasons kits bolting rabbits, hes a big boy though, his litter sister is a good bit smaller so she isnt ready yet, and his litter brother is just to imature. hes as mad as box of frogs. he stands up on his back legs and bounces around, im sure he thinks he is a kangaroo!!!!

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