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Bedlington Terriers for ground work

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9 posts and slagging people,s dogs off that you know nothing about ive dug to the sire of rory,s dog on a good few occasion,s he,s a good earthdog the dam was a good

The first 2 pics was a joke

heartbreak lies at the end of that path.

  On 21/09/2012 at 09:35, Rory4 said:

you can email me pics if like and i will add?? so you have a keen beddy in your kennels that wants to work below ground but you dont want it to???

thanks rory i have to picture old photos with mrs camera im not a great photo collector i regret that now,keep eye on this post i will get some up or send em 2 u,i dont have beddys at present i lost interest cos of trouble times,my dad had my own 1stx bitch before he died and the dog died not long after,my pure is in retirement with a elderly lady.mrs has a whippet thats it,rabbits look out,but beddy greyhound 1st cross i think its the superior stage in this cross,3/4 nice but again its losin somethin ive bred 3/4 and whippet greyhound x's with beddy,im quite knowing with bedlingtons a lot of mixed ups about,not that they are inferior,its just nice to know a dog is bred with carefull selection,seriously nice pups from the correct pairing,my journey reluctantly came to a end when my bitch broke her leg on a hare,the dog was dispatched,i may have photos of bitches too.my greyounds would kill and retreive foxes single handed regular i kept the first fox head and had it stuffed as i was amazed at sheer effort the dog gave.the same bitch killed two roe before they had chance to leave the field,the farmers wife clapping with praise over the dogs ability,hares from seat stood little chance as this bitch was well seasoned with brain very fast,i think her dad was kyle jack irish derby winner what a hunter bitch he through,i was amazed,i actually fell in love and was primed to pair her as planned with bod my pure beddy then the leg break ended it,i often look back and question if i could have saved her without suffering just to breed with,early hours bone stickin right through main back leg muscle dog was hurt, i must admit a tear rolled on me letting her go to rest.i will sort pics and see what i can find.its all interesting.
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  On 21/09/2012 at 03:52, unclepesta said:

real bedlingtons are fearless but i know they lack earthwork respect i think the really small terriers are preferered beddy a little big but i reckon would be good in rocky location,also teeth are good apparently beddys have biggest set of teeth to size out of all dogs howz about that teeth jokers,many terriers i seen go through kennels but beddys never found a place i have been around em and owned good strong beddys like glovers book and some and crossed em with good greyhound bitches from ireland,good dogs,rabbits excellent 9 out of 10,very game,whippet types i love but lack a little size for me,i had chance to see some gooduns but i must confess they are rare,when i work this computer out i will post some pics of a couple of good workers pure and cross,my pure beddy i never dug with,but i had to be on it he was hell bent,i stopped taking him out cos i was scared he would go down,his dad was lost foxin,they just wont stop,dave emmerson is he still about never saw his bd/crossgrhs was gonna go see him about 15 20 year ago as i didnt know of anyone with good honest 1st crosses didnt get chance to check his dogs out,anybody know of him

a lad i used to know had a bitch reputably from d.emmerson from bradford many years ago. on the few occasions i saw her work she was a decent little bitch ferreting and lamping. if my memory is still intact i think d.emmerson used gary hoskers spud to breed 3/4 grey 1/4 beddys. not heard of him for years.
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  On 21/09/2012 at 09:35, Rory4 said:

you can email me pics if like and i will add?? so you have a keen beddy in your kennels that wants to work below ground but you dont want it to???

still tryin to upload photos,says files to big,im so dumb,i will get there rory if not i will email you em. :thumbs:
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  On 21/09/2012 at 23:56, northern lad said:

Unclepesta,enjoying your posts very much :thumbs: try and get the pics up mate,had a lump in me throat reading the last one :icon_redface: glad your on here ATB Dave

thanks dave im on it,just new to this computer world its takin time i got scanner to get pics on this computer but i cant seem to get em on forum,im attaching file but says error file to big? im gonna get there cos it would be nice to share pictures on lots of the posts and hear and see others views,atb. :thumbs:
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  On 22/09/2012 at 16:32, darbo said:
  On 21/09/2012 at 03:52, unclepesta said:

real bedlingtons are fearless but i know they lack earthwork respect i think the really small terriers are preferered beddy a little big but i reckon would be good in rocky location,also teeth are good apparently beddys have biggest set of teeth to size out of all dogs howz about that teeth jokers,many terriers i seen go through kennels but beddys never found a place i have been around em and owned good strong beddys like glovers book and some and crossed em with good greyhound bitches from ireland,good dogs,rabbits excellent 9 out of 10,very game,whippet types i love but lack a little size for me,i had chance to see some gooduns but i must confess they are rare,when i work this computer out i will post some pics of a couple of good workers pure and cross,my pure beddy i never dug with,but i had to be on it he was hell bent,i stopped taking him out cos i was scared he would go down,his dad was lost foxin,they just wont stop,dave emmerson is he still about never saw his bd/crossgrhs was gonna go see him about 15 20 year ago as i didnt know of anyone with good honest 1st crosses didnt get chance to check his dogs out,anybody know of him

a lad i used to know had a bitch reputably from d.emmerson from bradford many years ago. on the few occasions i saw her work she was a decent little bitch ferreting and lamping. if my memory is still intact i think d.emmerson used gary hoskers spud to breed 3/4 grey 1/4 beddys. not heard of him for years.

good memory...spud.there was a half cross son of his at my friends it was nice dog looked right,worked good,i was into these types,i found they suited the nights out lamping and days ferreting and bushing,i got some video of my bitch if i ever get it transfered i will upload it,its pre lurchermania days lol.i really regret not picturing more in past plus im crap photographer.dave i think was upto same ideas i was,there are lots of untrue x's i think dave and i just wanted to try and get it refined by using working bedlingtons,it was hard then finding the right types,granator or something strain ringin in my head dunno,my memory is shot. :thumbs:
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  On 22/09/2012 at 16:32, darbo said:
  On 21/09/2012 at 03:52, unclepesta said:

real bedlingtons are fearless but i know they lack earthwork respect i think the really small terriers are preferered beddy a little big but i reckon would be good in rocky location,also teeth are good apparently beddys have biggest set of teeth to size out of all dogs howz about that teeth jokers,many terriers i seen go through kennels but beddys never found a place i have been around em and owned good strong beddys like glovers book and some and crossed em with good greyhound bitches from ireland,good dogs,rabbits excellent 9 out of 10,very game,whippet types i love but lack a little size for me,i had chance to see some gooduns but i must confess they are rare,when i work this computer out i will post some pics of a couple of good workers pure and cross,my pure beddy i never dug with,but i had to be on it he was hell bent,i stopped taking him out cos i was scared he would go down,his dad was lost foxin,they just wont stop,dave emmerson is he still about never saw his bd/crossgrhs was gonna go see him about 15 20 year ago as i didnt know of anyone with good honest 1st crosses didnt get chance to check his dogs out,anybody know of him

a lad i used to know had a bitch reputably from d.emmerson from bradford many years ago. on the few occasions i saw her work she was a decent little bitch ferreting and lamping. if my memory is still intact i think d.emmerson used gary hoskers spud to breed 3/4 grey 1/4 beddys. not heard of him for years.

As soon as i see Hoskers name mentioned with Beddys,i cringe,an average jukel owned by a big ego,neither up to much.
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  On 21/09/2012 at 19:49, treankare666 said:

lloydos - that is a very nice bedlington. one of the best ive sen, just looks "right" immedialty, anf i havent seen many at all


whats looks got to do with it ? heres a snap of as nice a bedlington type as your ever likely to see but dog was a wanker, was an alright ferreting dog and no doubt that would have been enough for some to label him a working bedlington and there lies the problem.



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