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Tough Job getting permission

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Hi folks i have been haveing a tough time getting some permission i was just wondering if your haveing the same problem and what you do to get the ground? i have just made some business cards as a friend of mine has had good success with them i have also placed an ad in the local newspapers and website what do you lot do? many thanks

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Hello mate,


It isn't easy your right. Even if the business cards don't take off at first there is a good chance that farmers and land owners will hold on to your details and if something does come up in the future they will give you a chance.


Stick at it buddy



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I know the feeling still cant find any permision near me yet.


its a pain isnt it mate? either nothing about or they have a load of people shooting on there already its hard to find fresh land that nobodys got, also im surprised by how many farmers pay for syndicates to come from the citys that have big nights out getting the vermin when im local and will do it for free, confuses me that one

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I know the feeling still cant find any permision near me yet.


its a pain isnt it mate? either nothing about or they have a load of people shooting on there already its hard to find fresh land that nobodys got, also im surprised by how many farmers pay for syndicates to come from the citys that have big nights out getting the vermin when im local and will do it for free, confuses me that one


You got it wrong, the syndicates pay the farmers for the shooting rights, so that they have somewhere to shoot!


You don't have to keep it to farmers though, how about race courses, golf course, country houses, large country hotels, nurseries (the plant sort not the rug rat sort), paddocks, graziers, livery yards and stables, cricket grounds, country estates, churches, grave yards (some people are not too happy at Thumper the Bunny setting up home over Great Aunt Winnifred), when you drive round at the weekends shopping you should keep an eye out for places to shoot. I made a mistake at my last permission and introduced myself at a completely different stables to where I was supposed to be, the woman explained that my permission holders fields were at the other end of the village (he did not tell me there was another livery yard, certainly more than a one horse town but less than a 5 house village), however could I take care of her rabbit problem?


When one says no, ask them if they know of anybody who has a problem! That way you can say that the person you were talking to recommended you call them! Sounds like you are being recommended you see! Helps get you in the door.

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I know the feeling still cant find any permision near me yet.


its a pain isnt it mate? either nothing about or they have a load of people shooting on there already its hard to find fresh land that nobodys got, also im surprised by how many farmers pay for syndicates to come from the citys that have big nights out getting the vermin when im local and will do it for free, confuses me that one


You got it wrong, the syndicates pay the farmers for the shooting rights, so that they have somewhere to shoot!


You don't have to keep it to farmers though, how about race courses, golf course, country houses, large country hotels, nurseries (the plant sort not the rug rat sort), paddocks, graziers, livery yards and stables, cricket grounds, country estates, churches, grave yards (some people are not too happy at Thumper the Bunny setting up home over Great Aunt Winnifred), when you drive round at the weekends shopping you should keep an eye out for places to shoot. I made a mistake at my last permission and introduced myself at a completely different stables to where I was supposed to be, the woman explained that my permission holders fields were at the other end of the village (he did not tell me there was another livery yard, certainly more than a one horse town but less than a 5 house village), however could I take care of her rabbit problem?


When one says no, ask them if they know of anybody who has a problem! That way you can say that the person you were talking to recommended you call them! Sounds like you are being recommended you see! Helps get you in the door.


No mate the farmers pay these people to come down ( i know i was shocked aswell) yea good idea i forgot about golf courses etc theres plenty of them in shropshire thanks mate

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IMHO business cards are no good unless you deliver them by hand-this is your window to make an impression on the landowner.Even if the answer is no ask if you might call again in a years time - this proves that you are both serious and patient.Geography can also determine the ease of gaining permission-where i live in central Bucks it can be almost impossible to get land unless you have a connection with the owner-whereas everytime i travel to Cambs. i find more and more land (a year or so back we were going pigeon shooting over clover in a village in Cambs but when we arrived we found that the cattle had been turned out into the field-as we stood by the car,wondering what to do, an elderly lady wandered over to ask what we were doing-turned out she owned land next door that was teeming with birds-we were welcomed with open arms!!).

Ask friends and family if they know any landowners-the smallest connection can make a huge difference

Find out (google) about the crops being grown-it helps if you can talk about the harvest etc on the owners level.

Be inventive-avoid blatent lies but sometimes a little porky can be your best friend.

Start small if needs must-just a small paddock to check your guns sights can open up acres of ground.

Join all the gun clubs in your area-you should get invited out to other members land and gain experience and connections.

Dress accordinly when visiting farms-no cammo unless its all you have + if a member of BASC or similar then wear the badge.

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I agree with bruno and moley, before I got death valley i asked the farmer if I could zero in one of his fields, and two years later he'd extended his original land allowance from 20acres to about 1500 acres. Yeah, other folks shoot it as well but we all like different kind of shooting so work nicely around each other. I also shoot for a few liveries, have access to some golf clubs and a local cricket pitch.Keep at it mate, polite persistence pays.


Cheers, wurz

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