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Beddy Lurcher Opinions.

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Here's our little girl Milly, whippet greyhound x whippet bedlington and is 8 months old, she's very smart, loving and loyal never stops working on our 1 1/2 hour mooch. She's very wary of strangers

there not every ones cup of tea but to be honest and having runners for many years these dogs was what i started with and i will finish with i think its there head strong behaver as young dogs that pu

i have one here mate 18" tts 26lb i lamp him and he works with rifle and shotgun, lined a bedlington x whippet 3 weeks ago

Sowhat: your bitch has come on well mate good luck this season with her....


My opinion

I got mine for rabbiting ( she's the litter sister to troters) I was getting back into it after a while out and it was a x Id fancied for a while. A mate had one years ago and it was a good little rabbiting dog I had a whippet x as a kid who was bright and constant companion I didn't want a first x and waited for a 3/4 1/4 whip bed to turn up.

She's turned into a capable rabbiting dog, she's stock broken works with the ferrets well and catches on the lamp. Took her a while to develop and I'd say at the end of last season it all clicked together and she missed very few on the lamp.

I don't think she's any better than some of the dogs I've seen over the years especially a couple of collie xs but she holds her own and hasn't let me down yet.

She's got bad points in that she's a bit nervy around other dogs not aggressive but takes a bit to settle. I've said before her retrieve is not great this could be my fault for not spending enough time on it though. As far as I'm concerned she's a rabbiting dog being 19tts and slight this is what she's suited to, I know other beddy whips can be used for other quarry but I won't bullshit and pretend she is.

My brother has a first x different temp altogether very dominant and head strong she needs to settle and hopefully this season she'll steady up a bit. When we picked her up we saw both parents and spoke to lads who owned them for over an hour going through photo albums and their "trophy" rooms were like the animal section in a museum.... The beddy who sired his bitch was well worked for sure....

Next year I'll be bringing another dog in some of the land I've got now has big fields she does ok on these but not as well as on the smaller paddocks, horses for courses I suppose, I need something a bit bigger for this it wouldn't concern me if a bit of beddy was in the make up of the next one though......




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  On 07/09/2012 at 11:23, sowhat said:
  On 06/09/2012 at 20:17, nothernlite said:

mine i cant see by them for the work i do with them mostly ferreting and a bit of lamping Picture198.jpgSTIRLING_2722011_002.jpgPicture079.jpg


Cracking looking dogs you've got there, and looking in good nick :thumbs:

thanks mate that pup of your is a belter they look so much alike the blue beddy xs and f--k upsetting that neighbour of yours lol
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  On 07/09/2012 at 12:01, edrd said:

I lined paddy Geoff to my old 1stxbitch pups ARE KILLING RABBITS a few have had other things bedx the right once whith whippet and grey mix making over the 25 inch Can be very good dogs my mate has a bedx that's 27 inch it a top dog takes everything has speed fr daytime hares to the right mix you'll sumtimes get a good yin my old bitch was a very good birtch above and below real hard little bitch good bedlingtons are like hens teeth now i seen a 23 inch bedx that took loads of daytime hares Preban best of luck way yr dogs




rabbits are for p##f,s lol

Edited by whip x grey
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  On 07/09/2012 at 22:31, edrd said:

I bob the old mans abbey could really kill daytime hares he got her fr rabbiting but he was at the whites 4 times a week that wee bitch was magnificent in the heather and on green parks he gave her plenty runs I'd say she killed hundreds of whites and a good few brown she had alote of stamina to her breading was bedxwhippetxbedxgrey 2 genuine 1stx dogs back to a whippetgrey 1stx was bob Downeys dog blue the whippet was courty music the other bedx was kizy that old Sam bread it was him who bread abbey she is prop the best small bed type I've seen at daytime hares Preban and I don't think you'd get another goodyins like that r a 1 off atb here wishing eye

was that Davy's we abbey ?? And that line is still going off that old first x iv got a great grandson off him the now
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  On 07/09/2012 at 22:31, edrd said:

I bob the old mans abbey could really kill daytime hares he got her fr rabbiting but he was at the whites 4 times a week that wee bitch was magnificent in the heather and on green parks he gave her plenty runs I'd say she killed hundreds of whites and a good few brown she had alote of stamina to her breading was bedxwhippetxbedxgrey 2 genuine 1stx dogs back to a whippetgrey 1stx was bob Downeys dog blue the whippet was courty music the other bedx was kizy that old Sam bread it was him who bread abbey she is prop the best small bed type I've seen at daytime hares Preban and I don't think you'd get another goodyins like that r a 1 off atb here wishing eye

blue was the father of a bitch i had nel one of the best bitches ive owned she wasnt a fast dog more of a plodder the stamina she had was no real she would run all day and night never had a injury great we dog stood 21 1/2 tts day time hares were not a problem for her this was in the eightys great line of dogs still going to this day atb Edited by nothernlite
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Genuine Bedlington crosses are the only 'common' cross that i've never seen work. Seen plenty of dogs with Beddy in their make-up but never a 'genuine' cross out in the field. Dug to two Bedlington terriers too but a 'gen' cross out working, no.

Back in the late 70's and early 80's, right off the back of reading both Walshes & Plummers books, I thought these would be the dogs for me but I never knew or heard of anyone with one anywhere near this city with one, if people had 'em, either they wern't making much noise with 'em or they didn't last too long.

Always thought Hoskers Spud looked a cracking example (against others on paper) only to find in later years that he wern't the 'genuine' article (Spud that is)!

Still would like to see one out, a greyhound cross though, not whippet a, first cross litter, out of first class parents.

Even reading this thred, as well as others, with all the good press they get, this well talked about 'common' cross really ain't that common!

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  On 08/09/2012 at 02:06, broonball said:

Some smashing looking dogs here I'd definitely think about beddy influence in my next dog. Need something to smash the nettles/brambles late summer. Seen a lovely bed/whip as a pet, not over quick but like a train full flight! Waste of a good bitch imho. atb lads, crack on


When my greyhound bitch gets lined I'll keep you in mind for a pup mate ;)

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