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Releasing Foxes

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Guest baldie

Bollocks...you cant do anything about it? get some evidence on video, and go straight to the police. Its a criminal offence to release vermin into the wild, thats why you never see a marked arsepca van doing it. Get some pics and some reg numbers, and dont go to anyone else but the police. DEFRA are in league with the c**ts.

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i'm sure the releasing of wild caught animals has to be done in such a way that it does not disrupt

the eco wildlife of another area,like DS says ring DEFRA to see what the current legal aspects are,


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Bollocks...you cant do anything about it? get some evidence on video, and go straight to the police. Its a criminal offence to release vermin into the wild, thats why you never see a marked arsepca van doing it. Get some pics and some reg numbers, and dont go to anyone else but the police. DEFRA are in league with the c**ts.

just read Baldies post regarding DEFRA,I am not aware of DEFRA'S track record or reputation right now,

so if it is the case where DEFRA is concerned that they are worse than other organisations regarding animal welfare,then if it was in my backyard and DEFRA was doing nothing about it,then i would take matters in to my own hands,all the best,


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Bollocks...you cant do anything about it? get some evidence on video, and go straight to the police. Its a criminal offence to release vermin into the wild, thats why you never see a marked arsepca van doing it. Get some pics and some reg numbers, and dont go to anyone else but the police. DEFRA are in league with the c**ts.

The Neighbouring farmer has given me permission to go on his land and take some photo's of these pens where the foxes are being kept. Im also going to contact the legal department of the countryside alliance to see if they can suggest anything. All the local farmers are involved with the hunt around here and all are so upset that this man has been doing this under our noses for some years now.

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i'm sure the releasing of wild caught animals has to be done in such a way that it does not disrupt

the eco wildlife of another area,like DS says ring DEFRA to see what the current legal aspects are,




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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Just give DEFRA a ring and ask them about it ;)

ditch they are a bunch off tossers too



Not saying they aren't, Snoops. But their information desk will hold the answers to the legal situation. That's all I meant. Walk into the average Police station and start going on about released foxes and asking what the score is, ye'll likely get a bemused Desk Sergeant fob ye off. But, if ye walk in and calmly request to report and ask action be taken on a matter of some specific laws which ye then reel off to him?


'Mind you, saying that ..... " Manpower " and " Resources " springs easily to mind as a response there. Sounds of it, your lot are all to busy shooting peoples pets to need foxes to practice on.

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From what I can remember it is not illegal to "Relocate" Foxes, however the actual caging of the said foxes could well be an offence because of causing undue suffering, photographs of penned foxes would help your case, check with your local RSPCA to see if they know whats going on.

I shot a fox with an ear tag a few years ago, the ear tag was addresses back to a Dr who ever at Bristol in my wisdom I sent it back to him, what a mistake! for the next few months urban foxes were drop off in the area every Friday night, it was only I wrote to the PO box number and told them that I was shooting 8-10 foxes everyweekend that they stopped bring them. The original tagged fox had been released 11 months before it was shot, this was a suitable time period for the group who released the foxes to think it was a suitable area to relocate them to, looks like you are getting them now. Watch your dogs for mange.

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