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Releasing Foxes

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Guys, i need your help here. Im horrified about all this, ive just discovered that a neighbouring farmer has been collecting Foxes from a well known charity and rearing them till they are well enough and releasing them on his land that borders mine and a few other angry farmers.

Ive asked this farmer many times over the last 6 years if he knew where all these foxes where coming from as it was obvious that they where town/city foxes. This farmer has even seen my daughter crying her eyes out when all of our chickens got killed by some of these released foxes.

Its awful to see these foxes when they have been released as most have no idea about how to hunt and you hear them calling out for weeks until they die of hunger or get killed by the local hunt or us.

I feel like going in on all cylinders and having it out with this farmer, i thought he was a friend of mine he even had the nerve to say to one of the other local farmers that he wished there where more farmers like him self that would do more for wildlife.

The local hunt are aware of all this now, i just want to no if there is anything i can do legally.

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Where abouts are you?

I'm sure there are plenty of us on here who would be happy to keep their numbers in check, ;)

South Devon, yes im sure i could get plenty of offers for help here. But i feel what he is doing is so wrong, all the local farmers are in up roar about this

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this sort of thing has been happening for years it like the local concils in cities are trapping them in the cities and realeing them back in the countryside some lads i no have caught castrated foxes loads of times they are obviously caught and realeased ....they just try to keep it quiet theres a farmer near me sick of it happening ,... :hmm:

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Find out what charity it is and approach them about it .They will not be happy that their foxes are in an area where they face control .Legally there is nothing you can do about it but it is legal to control any amount of foxes by legal means .

Its the RSPCA at westhatch in somerset


this sort of thing has been happening for years it like the local concils in cities are trapping them in the cities and realeing them back in the countryside some lads i no have caught castrated foxes loads of times they are obviously caught and realeased ....they just try to keep it quiet theres a farmer near me sick of it happening ,... :hmm:

Yes these are foxes that have come from Bristol or somewhere like that, as an animal lover its so sad to see these foxes die slowly over weeks they call themselves animal lovers that charity

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what they dont understand is some of these urban foxes carry a lot off diseases and they pass them on to the healthy foxes in the counrty side they are fecking idiots its the rspca they no feck all it sickens me ....iam going to shut it now as iam having a nice couple off cold ones and it winds me right up ... :drink::D

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surely if he is rearing then releasing them where they are affecting someones livley hood he is in the wrong there must be something that can be done ,trap some rats and when he goes away to a sale get the feckers through the letter box :)

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surely if he is rearing then releasing them where they are affecting someones livley hood he is in the wrong there must be something that can be done ,trap some rats and when he goes away to a sale get the feckers through the letter box :)

Yes thats what i mean there is a poultry farm near us with over 3000 free range hens, these foxes dont think like country foxes they will attempt most things and they have no fear of humans. Some of us around here need to earn a living, i earn a little money from the sale of eggs and that goes towards keeping my dogs.

Its just not fair!! all this

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surely if he is rearing then releasing them where they are affecting someones livley hood he is in the wrong there must be something that can be done ,trap some rats and when he goes away to a sale get the feckers through the letter box :)

Yes thats what i mean there is a poultry farm near us with over 3000 free range hens, these foxes dont think like country foxes they will attempt most things and they have no fear of humans. Some of us around here need to earn a living, i earn a little money from the sale of eggs and that goes towards keeping my dogs.

Its just not fair!! all this

i would look into this big time i think you must have some sort of case here ,if you ain't got a case its a disgrace best of luck getting it or him sorted

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