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If you look up Trespass, you'll see that agents of the Crown are the only ones who cannot commit trespass.




Because the Crown claims to own all the land. Even the land your house sits on, which you may have worked 25 years plus to buy. Land you may have inherited or bought. Doesn't matter. What you inherited/bought was a form of tenancy. Freehold stems from the form of tenancy once called 'Fee simple' i.e no ongoing form of charge of rent be it annular or otherwise.


If you want to own your land you need to claim it. Should you do that and create not just a Deed of Title but a Deed Of Allodial Title, then, and only then, can the police be charged with trespass.


Of course, they would in that scenario then be invaders and classed as Enemy Combatants engaged in an Act of War....but I think the above should be a sufficient elaboration on the answer to your question.

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