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Stock stripping .....

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Been a few guys talking about the stocks they have , and re-finishing them over on the rapid forum , which , as with most subjects makes you look at your own and start scratching your head .


I had a mind to do mine anyway , so thought ide join in :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


This is the original finish that Theoben like to use , a very thick varnish . Good and long lasting , but it just don`t do the walnut any justice ....





So last weekend after talking about it all day , i was too late to get some stripper from the shops , so the heat gun came out . A gentle heat and the varnish came off easy enough and set me started to do the lot .....






Next day i gave it a good soak in some varnish / paint remover as the grip and chequering were going to be a pain ....








Ive had a couple of hours here and there with the sander , and its getting near to needing some wire wool . I`ll give it a couple more hours today a hopefully be in a postion to oil it with CCL conditioning oil later on tonight ...






I`ll get some pictures up later ............



Buster .

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Its a walnut oil , looks 100% better but each to their own .


And the old addage for oiling a stock is


Once a day for a week ,

Once a week for month ,

Once a month for a year ........



Also it just a hunting gun so the varnish that was on it , gave it a very refelctive finish . I personally prefer a dull , or matt finish that the oil will give .


Bust .

Edited by Buster321c
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  • 3 months later...

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