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Where does one start with earth work

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I have been thinking of getting into earth work and i have been curious about it for a while now, possibly natural progression from rabbiting, ferreting, ratting etc etc, but where do I start. I do have a JRT but with a full tail which is spot on nose on rats and rabbits, I am starting to knit some nets, and I will be getting the mark three locator (or so I am told) for a wedding present for ferreting whihc I under stand can be used for terrier work.


Can any one offer any advice or suggestions at all?

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Olli,if your russell type was going to go to ground it probably would of by now anyway,most decent digging type terriers will self enter if left to hunt on their own,they will run one to ground and with the excitement of the chase just follow and enter,I have followed a lot of your posts on a couple of sites now for a while and although you come across as very keen you also appear very green and naive for digging,do you have permission on a shoot in preservation of game ?? do you have a gun licence for a clean despatch of any fox you may dig ?? do you know what to expect when you break through etc ?? I would suggest you go out with an experienced terrierman that is prepared to show you the ropes (legally) before you get a terrier up to the task of what you're after,legal terrierwork in this country is fading fast,stick to your rats and rabbits if you have any sense,atb,WM

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Thanks wirralman. I do have a licence and shot gun etc and I am working on two keepers for their permission to do the job. I think you have answered what I have been wondering and to get out with some one who is truely experianced.

You are right I am probably green for it at the moment and hopefully will get there.


Again as always thank you ever so much

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  On 31/08/2012 at 20:11, ollywilli said:

Thanks wirralman. I do have a licence and shot gun etc and I am working on two keepers for their permission to do the job. I think you have answered what I have been wondering and to get out with some one who is truely experianced. I do know one hunt terrier man so may give him a bell, as may not even like it... But a experiance is a experiance . I will keep on at the rabbits and rats for now.

You are right I am probably green for it at the moment and hopefully will get there... May be a pipe dream.


Again as always thank you ever so much

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