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kits at last

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Glorias having her kits at last :D:D god i have been worried out of my mind for the last 2 weeks incase summat went wrong.


Checked her half an hour ago & she was very quiet , then again 10 mins ago & i could hear squeeking, looks like she has had one so far :D:D


will quickly check her at midnight & post a pic in a week or so :drink::drink:

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Sadly its not good news ,she gave birth to one live kit ,but failed to give birth to the others, after an ultrascan confirmed there were kits in there still , but sadly dead ones, she has been given an injection to try to get her body to expell them, if that fails she will be spayed later today or inthe morning :(


So thats the state of play at the min, i am hoping & preying that this tiny kit survives as it would be just to much to bare if that died as well, but i am staying possitive & cant do anything else but hope :)

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She has started to expell a dead kit now, it was Oxytocin & calcium they gave her , so thank god she is doing it this way , i was worried incase she wouldnt feed the kit if she was spayed as she would be very uncomfortable after such a big operation.


So i am keeping everything crossed she manages on her own this afternnoon

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sorry to hear that ferretlove, as for the kit, fingers crossed that she tends to it,

years ago when I kept budgerigars I hand reared 18 babys ranging from 4days to a week old after a fire in my bird room, everyone said they would all die, but only 1 did, feeding them with a mixture of farleys rusk and canary egg food

actually had the story printed in a couple of bird mags as budgerigars are hard to rear, anyhow just to say it can be done, so a fert could be too, I did have to take a month off work mind,

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Well i am hoping she will continue to feed the kit , its very quiet at the min , so thats a good thing , she is washing it to death most of the time :)

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