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Big dogs, Small quarry..........

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this is very typical of the below the belt crap that is the scourge of hunting in all its forms. ive seen it in the field at shows in clubs/pubs. its never far away. where ever you see more than one h

Right, this ain't gonna go down well but here goes ........   To be honest Wodga, for a grown man to get on here out of the blue and just try and belittle an older man and his dogs is absolutely f**

I am not saying its gospel but I think that a big dog can do everything a little dog can do but not vice versa. A big dog will also dog the job faster and cleaner. As I said, just my own way of thin

  On 31/08/2012 at 10:26, chartpolski said:

Moll, I couldn't care less what people say behind my back. If they can't say it to my face, then they are just cowards ! Millet has said things, on open forum, that are simply untrue, wether he has heard them second or third hand, he has no right repeating them !! He keeps on about the fox collar, yet he knows for a fact it was nothing to do with me !! If he thinks he is getting at danny thru' me, he is mistaken. I've never been out with danny for over two years !.


Whatever Charts...I just wanted to point out Millet is not a liar. He may be the biggest dick head known to man sometimes on the forum, but he has never been a liar :thumbs:

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  On 30/08/2012 at 11:39, chartpolski said:

Walking to my allottment, across a recently harrowed wheat field, there are a few rats knocking about. This morning one ran in front of us; Lima, the Deer X, was the first to react, picking it up, in her stride, in fine style, giving it a quick, but severe shake, and carrying it, somewhat disconcertainly, back to hand !! LOL !!


No big deal, I hear you say, and you'd be right !! But it got me thinking about the posts I read on here about some dogs being to big for rabbits. Well, this bitch is 29" and has had many rabbits, day and night, and rats, although they are not her, or my, preferred quarry !


So my opinion on the "Big v Little" dog theory is; it's not the SIZE, but the DESIRE, of the dog, that dictates what it catches or doesn't !


The little bitch, Delta, also had one, but being 1/4 Beddy, I consider rabbits and rats to be her legitimate quarry.


No pics, I'm afraid; not due to the recent hysteria about posting pics of quarry; but simply because I didn't have a camera ! :thumbs:



I really thought this topic was/would of turned into a good discussion (on point), its a bit disappointing it had to go down hill, seems to be a bit of a re-occurrence imo.


Id say the two topic starters and posters in this section i really enjoy - would be yourself Chartpolski and of course Moll. :yes:

So its a shame when the GOOD topics are in a way ruined :thumbs:

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  On 31/08/2012 at 10:32, long dogs said:
  On 31/08/2012 at 10:30, MoChara said:
  On 31/08/2012 at 07:25, asha said:

big dogs all the way mind my biggest is 30 tts :tongue2: good thread this

:yes: ....... mines is 32tts :tongue2:

show off :tongue2:

next one will be 34tts ;) lol :laugh:
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  On 31/08/2012 at 10:39, MoChara said:
  On 31/08/2012 at 10:32, long dogs said:
  On 31/08/2012 at 10:30, MoChara said:
  On 31/08/2012 at 07:25, asha said:

big dogs all the way mind my biggest is 30 tts :tongue2: good thread this

:yes: ....... mines is 32tts :tongue2:

show off :tongue2:

next one will be 34tts ;) lol :laugh:

is it bred shetty x wolf hound :icon_redface:

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  On 31/08/2012 at 10:41, long dogs said:
  On 31/08/2012 at 10:39, MoChara said:
  On 31/08/2012 at 10:32, long dogs said:
  On 31/08/2012 at 10:30, MoChara said:
  On 31/08/2012 at 07:25, asha said:

big dogs all the way mind my biggest is 30 tts :tongue2: good thread this

:yes: ....... mines is 32tts :tongue2:

show off :tongue2:

next one will be 34tts ;) lol :laugh:

is it bred shetty x wolf hound :icon_redface:

:laugh: :laugh: only messing - dont know if id go that extra 2" :icon_eek: Bloody be bigger than me :D
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  On 31/08/2012 at 10:43, MoChara said:
  On 31/08/2012 at 10:41, long dogs said:
  On 31/08/2012 at 10:39, MoChara said:
  On 31/08/2012 at 10:32, long dogs said:
  On 31/08/2012 at 10:30, MoChara said:
  On 31/08/2012 at 07:25, asha said:

big dogs all the way mind my biggest is 30 tts :tongue2: good thread this

:yes: ....... mines is 32tts :tongue2:

show off :tongue2:

next one will be 34tts ;) lol :laugh:

is it bred shetty x wolf hound :icon_redface:

:laugh: :laugh: only messing - dont know if id go that extra 2" :icon_eek: Bloody be bigger than me :D

them extra iches add up :D:icon_redface:

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back to the topic, i have never really seen a bigger dog than what i have (25 inch) take rabbits so i cannot judge, but my other dog is about 19inch and my bigger dog picks them up just as easy, but when ferreting ect the smaller dog is more nimble though the trees ect, so i believe it depends what you are doing with it, what ground you are running, daytime or nightimte ect, has anyone got a vid of these dogs rabbiting?

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Having been out with charts lamping and see his performance first hand iv got a honest opinion. picture the scene me n him and his dog delta over a fence wind in our face a field full of rabbits i says go you have the run first to which he replied im not running my dog as theres SHEEP :blink: in the field ,and he didnt next. he,s got lighthouse syndrome with the lamp feckin unbeleivable, he told me first hand and he cant deny it that his dog had never had more than TEN rabbits in a night some feat eh . next if you can rember the dog delta nearly broke its legs because you wanted to show how the dog could jump a metal gate after the dog was fecked and its legs got caught in the top bars rember that i told you about that as well.

the icing that iv kept to myself for a few years was when you slipped the dog on its first rabbit when you were out with me and danny and bruce and it fecked off and hunted up for nearly fifteen minutes chasing every rabbit off the fell :yes: .you may have a good dog now but dont think that because its done bits n bobs its something special,we do it every time we go out but dont need to big up our dogs or say iv done this or that to the same extent as you .I told danny i would never take you out again thats how much pissed off i was on our first and last night out .Richie look no further than Danny because the the other stuff or gossip as you say it is came from him directly to me. moll. millet. and a good few others . a good little un or a good big un as long as it does its job :thumbs: :thumbs: works for me,,,,, rant over

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I have heard of such thing's and a lot more elsewhere..and these thing would not be getting brought up if certain folk where not trying to big them self's up on the net by saying they have done this and that when in reality they have done very little..

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