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I went into the last remaining RFD within the cess pit known as Hull city centre yesterday.


I required some co2 bulbs and some decent .177 Pellets.


The co2 is so I can play with the QB project gun that should be here tomorrow :)


and the pellets because I'm so out of practice with a spinger that I've decided I'll use my ASI Sniper as a 6 yard indoor "Retrainer" untill I can get out to my land again with the Beast.


Anyways, this rfd looks to be winding up properly now :(

They only had Cybergun (smk) Co2 bulbs that appeared abnormally long in the kneck, and although they had two tins of BSA Elite pellets in .22 they only had SMK Spitfires in .177.

OMFG :wallbash: I thought but I purchased a tin anyways.


I popped a bulb of co2 into the mag of one of my pistols (CZ-75D). The extra length of the neck proved to be a pain in the lower hole and the fecking thing vented the whole 12grams into my left hand! Feck that was c,c,c,c,cold! Eventually got a second bulb in okay though.


What really supprised me was the Spitfires!


I've not sho them yet, but the quality I saw far exceeded the mess that I was expecting to find in the tin :yes: I was expecting something mashed and mixed with Lanes Bulldogs and Milbro Caladonions!

I must say having seen these in the flesh (well tin) they look pretty well made :icon_eek:

I'm actually looking forward to putting these in the little springer rifle and indeed to seeing what exactly they are capable of doing in my HW40 ssp and HW70 springer :)


I'll let you know :yes:



Edited by Phantom
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hi tony i got rid of my pcp and went back to springer ie hw97kt and now the tx200 hc it,s amazing how mutch you forget about shooting spring rifles when you,v been shooting pcp,s took me age,s to marster them again and even now the 97 still tells me that it is still the master and not me lol but im getting there its took me months let me no how long it takes you lol i even had to ask piano man( simon) as i was pulling the gun to the left when i was pulling the trigger my head was dun in mate trying to work it out but simon put me right as did vislauk my shooting partner but things came to gether after i had taked to them atbmac

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hi tony i got rid of my pcp and went back to springer ie hw97kt and now the tx200 hc it,s amazing how mutch you forget about shooting spring rifles when you,v been shooting pcp,s took me age,s to marster them again and even now the 97 still tells me that it is still the master and not me lol but im getting there its took me months let me no how long it takes you lol i even had to ask piano man( simon) as i was pulling the gun to the left when i was pulling the trigger my head was dun in mate trying to work it out but simon put me right as did vislauk my shooting partner but things came to gether after i had taked to them atbmac


I know what you mean, my last group with the Beast was about 5inches at 30 yards :icon_redface:

A far cry from the 10shot sub 1 inch that I used to produce with it!



Hi phantom do you not use duncans on willerby road ?


I used to use Dunc's when they were in Paragon Square; I'm in Cottingham now and don't know how to get to Willerby Road from here (have to rely on public transport) which is sort of daft as I used to live in Willerby and it to get to where Dunc's is now was only two roads away!

Given my location, Dunc's is less than a few miles away, but transport is a nightmare.

Local(ish) lad eh? Fancy a meet up?



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hi tony i got rid of my pcp and went back to springer ie hw97kt and now the tx200 hc it,s amazing how mutch you forget about shooting spring rifles when you,v been shooting pcp,s took me age,s to marster them again and even now the 97 still tells me that it is still the master and not me lol but im getting there its took me months let me no how long it takes you lol i even had to ask piano man( simon) as i was pulling the gun to the left when i was pulling the trigger my head was dun in mate trying to work it out but simon put me right as did vislauk my shooting partner but things came to gether after i had taked to them atbmac


I know what you mean, my last group with the Beast was about 5inches at 30 yards :icon_redface:

A far cry from the 10shot sub 1 inch that I used to produce with it!



Hi phantom do you not use duncans on willerby road ?


I used to use Dunc's when they were in Paragon Square; I'm in Cottingham now and don't know how to get to Willerby Road from here (have to rely on public transport) which is sort of daft as I used to live in Willerby and it to get to where Dunc's is now was only two roads away!

Given my location, Dunc's is less than a few miles away, but transport is a nightmare.

Local(ish) lad eh? Fancy a meet up?



hi mate i was hiting the bull with one shot at 40 yards then missing the target all to gether with the next 3 or 4 shots then hitting the bull again with the next even when i had the gun on a gun rest (cushon) so i contacted simon who told me to ajust the trigger on my 97 and it sorted it out no end no more pulling to the left but every now and then it still tells me who is boss atbmac
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