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First season failures?

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Keep plummers then you get used to it all going tits up

I'll stand youngsters making mistakes all day long, it's part of learning, what i will not stand is cowardice. I don't mean a terrier coming away as it can't find once it's moved, we all know that loo

Everyone loves to spout on about there young charges that have entered 1st time out and never looked back but not very many mention the countless failures,and there is plenty of them.I have 2 to start

Everyone loves to spout on about there young charges that have entered 1st time out and never looked back but not very many mention the countless failures,and there is plenty of them.I have 2 to start this coming season,whether they go or not i dont know,but they are well bred and i cant do more than that only bring them on easy.No one can make a terrier work no matter how well they are bred all we can do is hope they do.This thing of keeping a dog that is not giving 100% is nonsence as they will still be the same next season,better to cut your losses and start again,jmho.

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Can,t really say what is a first season failure,all depends on the dog,if your around the dog a lot you know it better than anybody else,had a mate who i go out with ask me what i thought of his young white dog i said i,d pts,but he persevered and to his credit he has been dug plenty times now,the lad who bred it did say that sometimes his stuff is slow to learn.

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I'll stand youngsters making mistakes all day long, it's part of learning, what i will not stand is cowardice. I don't mean a terrier coming away as it can't find once it's moved, we all know that look a shitbag gives you when it comes away after making contact, if it goes back again and still doesn't stay and the fox is still in the same place then theres no excuse for it. If a youngster looses one but goes back and can't work it out but is still as keen as mustard then put it down to experience, in my book as long as they've got the drive and want then give them time to learn their game.


Edited to say, that's a bit over simplified, you should know from experiance the terrier your working, IE if they start late or are nervy. Youd have to give a life time of experience to answer the question.

Edited by GOBSHITE
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If only it was as simple as calling a dog a failure in its first year. Easy to right off a dog that dosnt give its all in the early days but personally i wouldnt be too bothered.The dog needs to be mentally mature before taking to work which is rarely in line with physical maturity which despite what many say is at around 12 months old .Mental maturity ,real maturity occurs from around 14 months onwards but does not necessarily create the right mind set for what we require .A young dog that flies in and does a few minutes at top speed before coming out is usually not ready and i would definately not try it again for quite some time .Im a firm believer in bringing a terrier on by winning and that starts with the humble sport of ratting so despised by some hardened terriermen.Hole ending is IME a method that dosnt bring out the best in a terrier even if it appears to work .the young terrier should be allowed to enter a chosen earth in its own time with no pressure to do so . Another thing observed over the years is that of pressure from other so called terriermen at a dig who give their opinion of a young starter if it dosnt go first ,second or third time .Your the one who knows whether its worth persevering with.However if by the middle of the second season, the dog just isnt putting the effort in then its time for a revue

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young terriers starting out need to be keen and give there best they ll dig some they ll be out done by one or two but on them occasions it should be lack of experience that hold s them back and not lack of effort as long as there doing the best everytime there tried your on right track usually by end of season the young first seasons dogs are starting to find there feet and you can see them starting to really get the idea we had four young dogs last season all came out the other end we pushed them in last part of season giving them couple digs in the one day etc not mad big places but not puppy spots either and they done well one was to ground for hour and 45 after he found himself a nice earth in a big banking we did not know and when we did find where he was took us an age to get area cleared! they all started of rash and brash but as they got more work 3 of them settled one is still fond of doing it on his terms but he ll learn soon i hope but even so they ll get the good bulk of work this season and if they finish there second season only then will we start to think of them maybe making it as proper workers with years of work in front of them.

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if were honest we all have failures at some time or other, i had one fail 2 seasons ago, 16mth old bitch offered 3 different occasions each time young fox, nothing to much for any young terrier, to cut it short she was a coward for work but a bstd for fighting. i should have shot her instead of the fox, but the same day a guy called p hyde took her free of charge to do me a favour [ and to save the bitch ] i told him she was a failure, no problem he said, i only want her for showing, he agreed to me no breeding, if she dident shape up to his needs, pts. now ive found out hes bred the fck out of her, and knocking them out inside the JRC. as working stuff. we live and learn, it wont happen again. it will stay were it failed.



something similar to me mine was a dog was dug to once then went backwards and didn want to know he was a fightn c**t also he was 1 i bred myself and the only 1 that didnt work so was a hard pill to swallow

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Not personally but I've seen a young bitch which used to hang about abit in empty earths, but once it had been successfully dug a few times it stopped, but every dog Is different, as I've also been told of an older dog which although a good worker, if it goes to ground and it's empty it still has to be dug, so who knows,


Cheers fd.

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Well the young first season bitch that I had

decided there and then that the job wasn't for her . She was given plenty of time and never worked again . Now wether that's my fault for letting her enter at 15 months old I don't know but for me she had failed!

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