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"Entering to Charlie", Why is it locked ?

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I love it when people call them "reds" :laugh: even seen wanted adverts on facebook for dogs that must do "Zebras or Stripeys" :laugh: f*****g gimps. I know antis are dumb but give them some credit

Perhaps it is a vain effort by the site administrators to try to save some people from themselves. How many times have we seen folks crying on here about 'the b*******ds' raiding their houses and tak

Well, it looks like my post has opened a can of worms, probably for the good, as some messers are gone, and everyone else knows now what will and won't be tolerated. Obviously anything ilegal should b

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Guest born to run1083

well lads time for me to go mods will you delet me thanks have a good season lads


mods i mean now


Yes sir boss, i'll miss you private unviewable videos............

Delete me aswell.

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:bye: he be back in 10 minutes new username , new ip , new email , :laugh:


I removed and blocked. A real loss, his posting contribution was amazing, the way he fitted three words in a full topic..outstanding.

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well lads time for me to go mods will you delet me thanks have a good season lads


mods i mean now


Yes sir boss, i'll miss you private unviewable videos............

Delete me aswell.


Oh god I'm enjoying this...defiance, nice one. :laugh:

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well lads time for me to go mods will you delet me thanks have a good season lads


mods i mean now


Yes sir boss, i'll miss you private unviewable videos............

Delete me aswell.

can someone start a new topic i want to be banned :laugh:
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May as well change the lurcher section to lamping rabbits and ferreting with lurcher's and change the terrier section to ratting with terrier's keep all the shooting sections and change the name of the forum to The politicaly correct hunting within the law forum :laugh: and admit defeat they have won all round :thumbs:

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If anyone wants to start a site up with splatted dogs, pigs, 10 out of ten hares bred from terminator T4 x rambo 7, with a nice subaru on the banner flying across behind a lamped cervine go for it. Get it closed, vouch for the legends, you know the true countrymen with the nikeys tucked in, then when one sqeals or gets caught and they examine every account....reality hits home AGAIN..

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