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"Entering to Charlie", Why is it locked ?

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I love it when people call them "reds" :laugh: even seen wanted adverts on facebook for dogs that must do "Zebras or Stripeys" :laugh: f*****g gimps. I know antis are dumb but give them some credit

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  On 28/08/2012 at 18:08, Cleanspade said:

i would support any move to improve this site. posting pics of dogs on foxes proves feck all. and i know it is legal in some places and some pics may be fair. but where do you draw the line? and a line has to be drawn. :thumbs:

I agea with the above a picture of a dead fox and dog who cares, pictures of foxs being killed by dogs dont mater were or when dont belong on a open forum as far as im concerened.

Any way going of for a big rabbit try and work that out :laugh:

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  On 28/08/2012 at 18:41, BIG G wheton machine said:

f u c k me whats happening to people these days. its perfectly legal to hunt fox in northern ireland oh if its banned in england then make the rest suffer, why have the mods not replied??? may aswell change the name too, the anti hunting life. :censored::feck: :feck:

Not guilty i be blamed anyway, being from ireland it one of my main ways to control fox numbers i don't see why i should not be able to post as it is legal' but in saying that there alot of english boy on here with irish flag and then they post , i think it is more on what the pic could be turned into in any country and to be used against us ,twisted and edited to make us look bad as you never hear them words fox control or pre-ban being used pic that were on here were use on other sites against us

atb sounder

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Perhaps it is a vain effort by the site administrators to try to save some people from themselves. How many times have we seen folks crying on here about 'the b*******ds' raiding their houses and taking their dogs etc after they have been flapping their mouths off on here about what they have been upto....reds, pigs, big rabbits, pre-ban etc? Wise up.

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if you want to clean up the site you need rules. then you need to enforce them. you need guidlines that are clear for all to see. that way its black or white. with no shades of grey. :thumbs: my thoughts are that some pics are ok. and some are not :D so where do you draw the line.

of course sensible people dont need told . but they are not the ones that cause trouble ;)

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  On 28/08/2012 at 19:19, Cleanspade said:

if you want to clean up the site you need rules. then you need to enforce them. you need guidlines that are clear for all to see. that way its black or white. with no shades of grey. :thumbs: my thoughts are that some pics are ok. and some are not :D so where do you draw the line.

of course sensible people dont need told . but they are not the ones that cause trouble ;)


I'm not on about the pics, as I see what you mean. I'm on about the wording of the "warning". What has your country IP address got to do with what you post ?


Wouldn't the "warning" be better worded with something along the lines " Posts that show obvious ilegal activites will be deleted and the poster banned " ?


On some sites I have an Australian IP, and on here, I think, I have a UK one, so how can this be policed ? It seems a badly thought out and worded rule.



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Sorry just read the post and it's not worded the best but surely rather the lock it reword it for the young lad so he can get some help. Whether the mods like it or not people are going to continue to hunt fox, hare and deer so why not make it so the young lads can get help and not f**k up there dogs? All it needs is a bit of rewording

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