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advice on exercising my bedlington lurcher pup please

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Hi I have an amzing 4 month old bedlington lurcher - I have had so many diiferent views on how much to exercise her. She was out with me for an hour or so today - lots of rests and meeting other dogs, kids, people. I let her off twice for 5 mins plays with her mate - a lakeland cross - she does run round alot but only for a short time. This is not every day - is this OK? she has slept since we came home. Thanks :angel:

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If your pup is healthy and has good joints and hips,which it should do,it will be fine having as much or as little excercise as you want to give it.I take my pups out alot with my older dogs and socialise them.I have never had a problem.My last 3 dogs were 14,15,and 16 .when they died and all brought up the same.The show people tell you not to let them up strairs etc.but i;ve never taken any notice of that.

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