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I THINK anybody who starts a thread on an open foram is inviting people to comment on their post

.Be it positive or negitive ......


If i wanted to thank somebody for something ,I would talk to them face to face or give them a buz


yes your right but this topic as i said was about thanking the organisers NOT who organises the bigest show , !! which it has turned into ??? who care the comments made has nothing to with the i.w.t.f, again as i said start a new topic or leave it to pm's

atb sounder

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Have you any other suggestions for a young club (only a few short weeks) to potentially meet 30,000 people and get their name and cause known. If you do please let me know. Credit should be given wh

Ok i might of being a bit hard on neil . But being asked to pay 15 EURO into a game fair so you can pay 10 euro to the IWTF dosnt seem right Being asked to pay 15 EURO in to support a rise campaign

any help for the terrier cause is time well spent keep er lit lads

Were you at the Game Fair in Borris Albert or do you only attend shows that you have a financial interest in ? I attend Birr every year and always enjoy it but I also attend other shows that are equally as good! I am sick to death of you continually blowing your own trumpet and knocking other shows! By the way the lurcher and terrier show in Borris was far better attended with many more dogs than Birr this year ! All the best Garret




I am responsible for the promotion of our fairs although as a marketing led organisation we all contribute to the marketing effort wherever and whenever we can. We do not make exaggerated claims about our events we deliver on them - two of them this year at Shanes & Birr against a backdrop of appalling conditions. Did we lose control of our sites - no we did not because of a masssive effort by our team and our sheer professionalism - we plan for bad weather and hope for good not the other way round. . I am proud of our events and even prouder of the team that delivers them - not just me.


I was not at Borris as we were at the Lough's Agency Angling show promoting the Birr event to anglers with our 'Year of the Salmon & Trout theme'. Three of my colleagues went to Borris. Of course I/we go to many other shows and we exhibit at several events throughout the year and sponsor even more.. I didn't knock Borris just said it was smaller than Birr with a much smaller attendance - which is a fact and demonstrated by the photos and videos I have seen and the posts on facebook including by Mike Yardley who was demonstrating there !


However if you wish to really see 'Knocking copy' why not type game fair Borris into your browser and you will get this

'irishgamefair.com Borris






www.nationalcountryfair.ie/Cached - Similar

You +1'd this publicly. Undo

National Country Fair Borris House, Visit the Carlow game fair, Ireland's leading game fair, the National Country Fair at Borris House in Co. Carlow'


Now irishgamefair.com is not only our domain name for the Shanes Castle Fair but an established brand supported by a registered trademark - do you think this is professional friendly behaviour by another event organiser apparently wishing to 'steal' our identity and/or cause confusion? Secondly do you see the claim made when the event hadn't taken place yet except as not a great event at Ballinlough - of Borris being 'Ireland's leading game fair'.


We make no apology for factually rebutting such claims wherever and whenever possible - if you feel this is blowing our own trumpet so be it.


I don't know about the lurchers & terriers event at Borris as my colleagues didn't go to it as I understand this competition was held outside of the fair. But if it did get a good turnout well done to Ian who does work hard to run good events.




Edited by AlbertJ
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Of course I/we use every opportunity to promote our events - as does every other organiser. That is what good marketing is all about - and that is why we deliver the two largest country sports events in Ireland year after year for over 34 years. Our team are all marketing/promotions focused and we all work hard to get the message out whenever and wherever we can. The sporting organisations recognise that we do a great job in promoting and defending country sports and that we provide a great platform for them to meet their members and make new ones and so do the animal rights people who would love to be able to organise public events of the size and status of our events. That is nothing that any self respecting country sports enthusiast should cringe about!


We do not claim we have the largest sports gatherings - certainly GAA matches can attract larger audiences - but we do organise the largest country sports gatherings in Ireland - FACT.


Of course lots of people run sporting events and I applaud each and every one of them because I know how hard it is to run events properly with increasing legislation, real economic hardship and dire weather.


we do not use the lurchers & terriers as an attraction but because we think they should be an integral part of the country sports community and should be treated as such. Are they a major public attraction - NO .


Look at the number of members of the public at Birr watching the gundogs and even the clay shooting compared to watching the terriers & lurchers and you will see how attractive they are to the general public. In fact some event organisers think they are actually offputting to the public and thats why they put them outside of the show. I can assure you in our research with the public terriers & lurchers as an attraction are very far down the list of why the public attend our events!


When we actually tot up what it costs to put on the terriers and lurchers in terms of share of ground rental, share of promotional costs , judges expenses and prizes - they actually contribute very little if anything to overall profits ( if any) bearing in mind we pay all of the expenses and the organising club take the entry fees.


Ask any event organiser this year including the Scottish fair, CLA Fair , Great Yorkshire Show etc how much they risk by organising a show and how much they can lose. Survival was the name of the game in 2012!


AND fact - we were the first to run major terrier and lurcher shows - in 1980 - and over the years and we will continue running them and promoting them as an integral part of country sports and our game fairs. AND we will continue to promote and advertise our events in the manner that we deem appropriate and the manner in which has won us several marketing and tourism awards.



no albert you do not organise the largest gathering if irish sports people , you cannot in fairness say that , yes the events are large and on par with some, surely the tullamore show would be the largest in ireland , the killag and the tinahealy are on par or larger. stop twisting my words i said i cringe when you use the word largest when it clearly is not. yes albert you do a great job well done. but well done to the many other larger and as big as shows too like tullamore and tinahealy. as for the costs the game fairs in england and wales which i have attended charge £15 on the gate and every class you enter is free after that, you can enter as many dogs and as many class as you like for free. as for lurcher and terriers not being a public attraction i lost my voice explaining how my lurcher was crossed at borris show to the general public the dog was a real chick magnet so much so my friend wanted to lead him around for a while, may not be the biggest attraction but an attraction none the less.




Tullamore and Tinahealy are not country sports shows they are country shows based primarily on agriculture. I did not say we run the largest sporting shows but the largest country sports ones. I don't think many would describe Tullamore or Tinahealy as either sporting or country sports event. I repeat the fact that we organise the largest country sports events in Ireland.


I don't know what game fairs you go to in England with free classes but as far as I am aware Scone, CLA and Midland cost more and do NOT have free classes except for pre qualified classes - which is similar to ourselves. As any one not pre entered or qualified at our show pay the same admission fee ( except for terriers & lurchers I offer a special pre paid two day ticket) what they do when they enter the fair is up to them - they can enter the clay pigeon shooting, the fly casting, archery, or the terriers & lurchers with the club organising the event taking all entry fees. It is your choice what you do when you come into the fair.


You mention Borris - I understand that you did not have to go into the fair to enter your dog in the terrier & lurcher event - was entry to the classes free? Did the prizes compare to Birr? If you went into the fair at Borris - was that free? So if you went to Borris entered your dog in some classes and then paid entry into the fair - was it really much different to going to Birr except Birr was much larger, had better prizes, ringside parking for terrier and lurcher inside the fair and a bit less mud!


I am pleased that there was so much public interest in your dog at borris - it shows that since we staged the first major terrier & lurcher show at Clandeboye in 1980 and other events every year for 34 years over 51 fairs people are more interested in terriers & lurchers BUT would they pay €15 specfically to come to see them - or that they be one of the reasons the public come to the show - I don't only think not - I know so because every person or family gets a questionnaire to fill in and T&L while of interest to you and me don't figure in the top 10 reasons for attending the show! However it is good that the public don't feel threatened by lurchers and terriers and are gradually getting an understanding of them and people like you walking them round fairs and discussing them does help create a good image. That's why I felt the IWTF at the fairs was both good for them, and good for the defence of working dogs.


I feel that it is very important to have terriers & lurchers at our events and to involve them in our PR, press conferences and promotions - really the only major show in Ireland to do so. Because it enables the public who attend our shows to see them in a neutral setting and in a lot of ways overcomes the negative images generated by our opponents.



one larger event , clonmel is a large irish country sporting event. where the real master mcgrath used to run. albert the agricultural shows are large country sporting events too, look at the amount of classes, any competition is sport in my book, when they involve country persuit's they are both country and sporting. i didnt say borris was bigger or smaller but it was large and yes there was plenty of mud but us hunting people are used to it., i suppose we better stop our debate for fear of upsetting other people on here. finally i do enjoy the game fairs and any of the many irish country sporting events. yours in sport jimjim ps got the tux all set now , and thank you for your good wishes.


Jim Jim,


I see we are arguing how events are defined - you have your definition and I have mine. I do not think there is any point in arguing at cross purposes.


I hope you have a job to go with your graduation - as an ex university lecturer it saddens me to see how many young people of ability are having so much difficulty in the job market. You appear to have great persistence and that will help!


Anyway whether we run the largest country sports events in Ireland or are amongst some of the larger country events in Ireland we were delighted to facilitate the IWTF at our events. I wish the organisation great success in the future and as I have said stand ready to help them in any way we can.


I think that is something we can agree on.



Edited by AlbertJ
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I think this forum is proof of how well the IWTF have done in the recent months,back in jan-feb time when stopend and the other lads got talking about it,there were a lot of naysayers and like here alot of silly arguments that had nothing to do with the actual fact that countrysports is changing fast and is under closer watch by the day and that there needed to be some type of group set as a voice hence the IWTF was born, it could of went like posts on here and decended into silly fallouts after a week as was forecast ,but under a serious threat these members have pulled together to the point where longrunning organizations are looking and thinking more serious about them by the day. debates are great on here sometimes but they all go the same way after a page or two,someone with very little to do insults someone else and the antis are back lauging on the floor. As most of you know i ran the digging final at birr and i have to say that albert and co were more help than they needed to be this is not defending him as hes well able to do that for himself but like the IWTF i have to thank him and do so on this forum.when i thought of the digging a lot said it would never take off that no one would enter,well they did and it has went well going from the side of the mountain in mourne to birr county offaly and already i have shows in england looking to enter next year so hopfully its here to stay just like i think the IWTF is also here now for the long haul.its time to stand up and be open about genuine terrierwork and promote it in the good light. so best of luck lads and have a good season ahead.

Edited by tango
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Of course I/we use every opportunity to promote our events - as does every other organiser. That is what good marketing is all about - and that is why we deliver the two largest country sports events in Ireland year after year for over 34 years. Our team are all marketing/promotions focused and we all work hard to get the message out whenever and wherever we can. The sporting organisations recognise that we do a great job in promoting and defending country sports and that we provide a great platform for them to meet their members and make new ones and so do the animal rights people who would love to be able to organise public events of the size and status of our events. That is nothing that any self respecting country sports enthusiast should cringe about!


We do not claim we have the largest sports gatherings - certainly GAA matches can attract larger audiences - but we do organise the largest country sports gatherings in Ireland - FACT.


Of course lots of people run sporting events and I applaud each and every one of them because I know how hard it is to run events properly with increasing legislation, real economic hardship and dire weather.


we do not use the lurchers & terriers as an attraction but because we think they should be an integral part of the country sports community and should be treated as such. Are they a major public attraction - NO .


Look at the number of members of the public at Birr watching the gundogs and even the clay shooting compared to watching the terriers & lurchers and you will see how attractive they are to the general public. In fact some event organisers think they are actually offputting to the public and thats why they put them outside of the show. I can assure you in our research with the public terriers & lurchers as an attraction are very far down the list of why the public attend our events!


When we actually tot up what it costs to put on the terriers and lurchers in terms of share of ground rental, share of promotional costs , judges expenses and prizes - they actually contribute very little if anything to overall profits ( if any) bearing in mind we pay all of the expenses and the organising club take the entry fees.


Ask any event organiser this year including the Scottish fair, CLA Fair , Great Yorkshire Show etc how much they risk by organising a show and how much they can lose. Survival was the name of the game in 2012!


AND fact - we were the first to run major terrier and lurcher shows - in 1980 - and over the years and we will continue running them and promoting them as an integral part of country sports and our game fairs. AND we will continue to promote and advertise our events in the manner that we deem appropriate and the manner in which has won us several marketing and tourism awards.



no albert you do not organise the largest gathering if irish sports people , you cannot in fairness say that , yes the events are large and on par with some, surely the tullamore show would be the largest in ireland , the killag and the tinahealy are on par or larger. stop twisting my words i said i cringe when you use the word largest when it clearly is not. yes albert you do a great job well done. but well done to the many other larger and as big as shows too like tullamore and tinahealy. as for the costs the game fairs in england and wales which i have attended charge £15 on the gate and every class you enter is free after that, you can enter as many dogs and as many class as you like for free. as for lurcher and terriers not being a public attraction i lost my voice explaining how my lurcher was crossed at borris show to the general public the dog was a real chick magnet so much so my friend wanted to lead him around for a while, may not be the biggest attraction but an attraction none the less.




Tullamore and Tinahealy are not country sports shows they are country shows based primarily on agriculture. I did not say we run the largest sporting shows but the largest country sports ones. I don't think many would describe Tullamore or Tinahealy as either sporting or country sports event. I repeat the fact that we organise the largest country sports events in Ireland.


I don't know what game fairs you go to in England with free classes but as far as I am aware Scone, CLA and Midland cost more and do NOT have free classes except for pre qualified classes - which is similar to ourselves. As any one not pre entered or qualified at our show pay the same admission fee ( except for terriers & lurchers I offer a special pre paid two day ticket) what they do when they enter the fair is up to them - they can enter the clay pigeon shooting, the fly casting, archery, or the terriers & lurchers with the club organising the event taking all entry fees. It is your choice what you do when you come into the fair.


You mention Borris - I understand that you did not have to go into the fair to enter your dog in the terrier & lurcher event - was entry to the classes free? Did the prizes compare to Birr? If you went into the fair at Borris - was that free? So if you went to Borris entered your dog in some classes and then paid entry into the fair - was it really much different to going to Birr except Birr was much larger, had better prizes, ringside parking for terrier and lurcher inside the fair and a bit less mud!


I am pleased that there was so much public interest in your dog at borris - it shows that since we staged the first major terrier & lurcher show at Clandeboye in 1980 and other events every year for 34 years over 51 fairs people are more interested in terriers & lurchers BUT would they pay €15 specfically to come to see them - or that they be one of the reasons the public come to the show - I don't only think not - I know so because every person or family gets a questionnaire to fill in and T&L while of interest to you and me don't figure in the top 10 reasons for attending the show! However it is good that the public don't feel threatened by lurchers and terriers and are gradually getting an understanding of them and people like you walking them round fairs and discussing them does help create a good image. That's why I felt the IWTF at the fairs was both good for them, and good for the defence of working dogs.


I feel that it is very important to have terriers & lurchers at our events and to involve them in our PR, press conferences and promotions - really the only major show in Ireland to do so. Because it enables the public who attend our shows to see them in a neutral setting and in a lot of ways overcomes the negative images generated by our opponents.



one larger event , clonmel is a large irish country sporting event. where the real master mcgrath used to run. albert the agricultural shows are large country sporting events too, look at the amount of classes, any competition is sport in my book, when they involve country persuit's they are both country and sporting. i didnt say borris was bigger or smaller but it was large and yes there was plenty of mud but us hunting people are used to it., i suppose we better stop our debate for fear of upsetting other people on here. finally i do enjoy the game fairs and any of the many irish country sporting events. yours in sport jimjim ps got the tux all set now , and thank you for your good wishes.


Jim Jim,


I see we are arguing how events are defined - you have your definition and I have mine. I do not think there is any point in arguing at cross purposes.


I hope you have a job to go with your graduation - as an ex university lecturer it saddens me to see how many young people of ability are having so much difficulty in the job market. You appear to have great persistence and that will help!


Anyway whether we run the largest country sports events in Ireland or are amongst some of the larger country events in Ireland we were delighted to facilitate the IWTF at our events. I wish the organisation great success in the future and as I have said stand ready to help them in any way we can.


I think that is something we can agree on.



have to agree with you there (did i just say i agree with you wow). YES i'm persistent and some would say even stubborn, i get it from my mother.. i have started in agricultural collage, jobs are almost non existent, i do join with you in wishing the i.w.t.f. luck and success in the future and you too albert with the game fairs. yours jimjim
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Of course I/we use every opportunity to promote our events - as does every other organiser. That is what good marketing is all about - and that is why we deliver the two largest country sports events in Ireland year after year for over 34 years. Our team are all marketing/promotions focused and we all work hard to get the message out whenever and wherever we can. The sporting organisations recognise that we do a great job in promoting and defending country sports and that we provide a great platform for them to meet their members and make new ones and so do the animal rights people who would love to be able to organise public events of the size and status of our events. That is nothing that any self respecting country sports enthusiast should cringe about!


We do not claim we have the largest sports gatherings - certainly GAA matches can attract larger audiences - but we do organise the largest country sports gatherings in Ireland - FACT.


Of course lots of people run sporting events and I applaud each and every one of them because I know how hard it is to run events properly with increasing legislation, real economic hardship and dire weather.


we do not use the lurchers & terriers as an attraction but because we think they should be an integral part of the country sports community and should be treated as such. Are they a major public attraction - NO .


Look at the number of members of the public at Birr watching the gundogs and even the clay shooting compared to watching the terriers & lurchers and you will see how attractive they are to the general public. In fact some event organisers think they are actually offputting to the public and thats why they put them outside of the show. I can assure you in our research with the public terriers & lurchers as an attraction are very far down the list of why the public attend our events!


When we actually tot up what it costs to put on the terriers and lurchers in terms of share of ground rental, share of promotional costs , judges expenses and prizes - they actually contribute very little if anything to overall profits ( if any) bearing in mind we pay all of the expenses and the organising club take the entry fees.


Ask any event organiser this year including the Scottish fair, CLA Fair , Great Yorkshire Show etc how much they risk by organising a show and how much they can lose. Survival was the name of the game in 2012!


AND fact - we were the first to run major terrier and lurcher shows - in 1980 - and over the years and we will continue running them and promoting them as an integral part of country sports and our game fairs. AND we will continue to promote and advertise our events in the manner that we deem appropriate and the manner in which has won us several marketing and tourism awards.



no albert you do not organise the largest gathering if irish sports people , you cannot in fairness say that , yes the events are large and on par with some, surely the tullamore show would be the largest in ireland , the killag and the tinahealy are on par or larger. stop twisting my words i said i cringe when you use the word largest when it clearly is not. yes albert you do a great job well done. but well done to the many other larger and as big as shows too like tullamore and tinahealy. as for the costs the game fairs in england and wales which i have attended charge £15 on the gate and every class you enter is free after that, you can enter as many dogs and as many class as you like for free. as for lurcher and terriers not being a public attraction i lost my voice explaining how my lurcher was crossed at borris show to the general public the dog was a real chick magnet so much so my friend wanted to lead him around for a while, may not be the biggest attraction but an attraction none the less.




Tullamore and Tinahealy are not country sports shows they are country shows based primarily on agriculture. I did not say we run the largest sporting shows but the largest country sports ones. I don't think many would describe Tullamore or Tinahealy as either sporting or country sports event. I repeat the fact that we organise the largest country sports events in Ireland.


I don't know what game fairs you go to in England with free classes but as far as I am aware Scone, CLA and Midland cost more and do NOT have free classes except for pre qualified classes - which is similar to ourselves. As any one not pre entered or qualified at our show pay the same admission fee ( except for terriers & lurchers I offer a special pre paid two day ticket) what they do when they enter the fair is up to them - they can enter the clay pigeon shooting, the fly casting, archery, or the terriers & lurchers with the club organising the event taking all entry fees. It is your choice what you do when you come into the fair.


You mention Borris - I understand that you did not have to go into the fair to enter your dog in the terrier & lurcher event - was entry to the classes free? Did the prizes compare to Birr? If you went into the fair at Borris - was that free? So if you went to Borris entered your dog in some classes and then paid entry into the fair - was it really much different to going to Birr except Birr was much larger, had better prizes, ringside parking for terrier and lurcher inside the fair and a bit less mud!


I am pleased that there was so much public interest in your dog at borris - it shows that since we staged the first major terrier & lurcher show at Clandeboye in 1980 and other events every year for 34 years over 51 fairs people are more interested in terriers & lurchers BUT would they pay €15 specfically to come to see them - or that they be one of the reasons the public come to the show - I don't only think not - I know so because every person or family gets a questionnaire to fill in and T&L while of interest to you and me don't figure in the top 10 reasons for attending the show! However it is good that the public don't feel threatened by lurchers and terriers and are gradually getting an understanding of them and people like you walking them round fairs and discussing them does help create a good image. That's why I felt the IWTF at the fairs was both good for them, and good for the defence of working dogs.


I feel that it is very important to have terriers & lurchers at our events and to involve them in our PR, press conferences and promotions - really the only major show in Ireland to do so. Because it enables the public who attend our shows to see them in a neutral setting and in a lot of ways overcomes the negative images generated by our opponents.



one larger event , clonmel is a large irish country sporting event. where the real master mcgrath used to run. albert the agricultural shows are large country sporting events too, look at the amount of classes, any competition is sport in my book, when they involve country persuit's they are both country and sporting. i didnt say borris was bigger or smaller but it was large and yes there was plenty of mud but us hunting people are used to it., i suppose we better stop our debate for fear of upsetting other people on here. finally i do enjoy the game fairs and any of the many irish country sporting events. yours in sport jimjim ps got the tux all set now , and thank you for your good wishes.


Jim Jim,


I see we are arguing how events are defined - you have your definition and I have mine. I do not think there is any point in arguing at cross purposes.


I hope you have a job to go with your graduation - as an ex university lecturer it saddens me to see how many young people of ability are having so much difficulty in the job market. You appear to have great persistence and that will help!


Anyway whether we run the largest country sports events in Ireland or are amongst some of the larger country events in Ireland we were delighted to facilitate the IWTF at our events. I wish the organisation great success in the future and as I have said stand ready to help them in any way we can.


I think that is something we can agree on.



have to agree with you there (did i just say i agree with you wow). YES i'm persistent and some would say even stubborn, i get it from my mother.. i have started in agricultural collage, jobs are almost non existent, i do join with you in wishing the i.w.t.f. luck and success in the future and you too albert with the game fairs. yours jimjim




Best of luck with your course - good choice agrifood sector one of the few buoyant areas in Ni at present . Don't let that babe magnet of a dog lead you astray.



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  • 2 weeks later...

tell you one thing junt hunt, you alone has caused untold damage within the IWTF, I would have granted you a wee bit of credit had you had the balls to put you name behind your claims.


But sure thats how yellow b*****ds work. Some friend you are :hmm: :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:

how could anyone trust a RAT like just hunt :yes: Edited by danny300
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      A TRIBUTE TO THE LATE JIMMY SCOTT, A TOP DOGGIE MAN IN OUR COUNTRY SPORTS FRATERNITY, WHO LEFT THIS WORLD ON Christmas Day.   I Am Free Do not grieve for me now my friends and family, I am free. I am following the path God Laid for me. I took his hand when I heard him call, I turned my back and left it all.   I could not stay another day to show, to live , to hunt, to fish or play. I found my peace at close of day. Be not burdened with this time of sorrow I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow. Perhaps my time seemed all to brief. Do not lengthen it now with undue grief.   Lift up your hearts my friends and share with me. God wanted me now, He set me free.   From all in Country Sports Margaret Mc Stay
    • By appleblossom
      THE COMBINED CLUBS CHRISTMAS CRACKER DOG SHOW WILL TAKE PLACE ON SATURDAY 21st DECEMBER 24 AT : BANVILLE HOUSE HOTEL LOWER CAR PARK  174 LURGAN ROAD  BANBRIDGE  CO DOWN  BT32 4NR STARTING TIME 1.OOpm SHARP CLASSES FOR LURCHERS/TERRIERS/WHIPPETS/STRONG DOGS. THERE WILL ALSO BE A CHILDRENS HANDLING CLASS   See list of classes For the Combined Clubs Dog Show Saturday 21st December 24 ( Please note there will be no racing at this Show )   Terrier Classes. 1 Any variety pup under 12 months 2 Russell dog/bitch 3 Lakeland dog/bitch 4 Patterdale dog/bitch 5 border dog /bitch 6 crossbred dog /bitch 7 working dog /bitch 8 veterans dog/bitch 9 pairs.   Heavy Dogs. 1 Any variety pup under 12 months 2 small staff dog /bitch 3 large type staff dog /bitch 4 Old English bull dog/ bitch 5 Wheaten dog /bitch 6 American bull dog /bitch 7 working dog /bitch 8 working class dog /bitch 9 veterans dog/bitch 10 Added another class in Strong Dogs (any other type of strong dog )   Lurcher Classes 1 lurcher pups under 12 months 2 smooth under 23 inch 3 smooth over 23 inch 4 rough under and over 23 inch 5 bull x dog /bitch 6 collie x dog /bitch 7 hare dog /bitch 8 fox dog /bitch 9 veterans dog /bitch. 10 pairs   Whippets 1 pups under 12 months 2 whippet dog 3 whippet bitch 4 working whippet 5 racing whippet 6 veterans whippet. 7 pairs   SEE YOU ALL THERE.   MARGARET Mc STAY
    • By appleblossom
      The Combined Clubs Dog Show and Northern Ireland Champion of Champions Saturday 7thSeptember 24
      Laurencetown is famous for its green fields, ancient buildings, walled gardens and extensive lawns stretching down to the River Bann. But as well as these famous landmarks, Laurencetown can add another string to its bow by adding the annual Combined Clubs Dog Show and Northern Ireland Champion of Champions to its attractions and venue.    
      Saturday was one of the warmest days of the year with the sun shinning down continuously. I got burned alive but all well worth it. Our Country Sportsmen, women and children came out to this now annual dog show to enjoy the last days of the summer sunshine. 
      Our summer Dog shows have become canine excursions from all parts of the country North and South of the Border. Saturday was no exception with a good turnout of Terriers, Lurchers, Whippets and Strong dogs.
      And wait for it, the big surprise of the day and what a pleasant surprise that was. The McGrath Racing Club arrived unexpectedly for a family day out to support the show. And guess what they acted on the spot with an impromptu few races to the joy of many of the racing fraternity at the show.
      The childrens handling class was first on the list and judged by Marian Cree. What a turnout of children in the ring on Saturday. I can still see the smile on Clodagh Gentle face on winning 1st with her   Whippet Clive. These young boys and girls are our sportsmen and women of tomorrow. I have no doubt in my mind that these little people will carry on the sport after our day. Well done Marian and congratulations to all.  
      Very soon it was show time. Here are the Results.
      *Champion Whippet
      Suzanne Addis with Poppy
      Joyce Scott with Duncan
      *Champion Lurcher
      Rose Mc Coy with Aria
      Lisa Beggs with Nina
      *Champion Terrier
      Franko Duffy with Toby
      Maxi Maxwell with Stig
      *Champion Strong Dog
      Laszlo Pusztai
      Natasha Truesdale with Tyson
      *Champion Puppy
      Natasha Truesdale with Shyla
      **Overall Show Champion and Best in Show
      Suzanne Addis with Poppy
      **Northern Ireland Champion of Champions Whippets
      Suzanne Addis with Poppy
      Suzanne Addis with Jack
      **Northern Ireland Champion of Champions Lurcher
      Mason Thompson with Roxy
      Rose Mc Coy with Aria
      **Northern Ireland Champion of Champions Terrier
      Franko Duffy with Toby
      **Northern Ireland Champion of Champions Strong Dog
      Laszlo Pusztai with Black Diamond
      Andy Spence with Sniper
      ***Racing Results from the Pen of Biddy Mc Grath
      Clodagh Gentle with Susie
      James Mullen with Toby
      Fred Gentle with Clive
      Under 22
      Rose Mc Coy with Arlo
      Rose Mc Coy with Gucci
      Under 23
      Errol Gardiner with Ranger
      Shauna with Brigs
      Over Hairy
      Errol Gardiner with Milo
      Errol Gardiner with Raven
      Maxi Maxwell with Stig
      Maxi Maxwell with Buster
      Big Dogs
      Rose Mc Coy with Aria
      Congratulations to all above winners
      And Finally, may I take this opportunity on behalf of the organisers to thank the judges on the day.
      Childrens Handling / Marian Cree
      John Morrison
      Graham Brennan
      Strong Dogs
      Tin Mc Kinistry
      ***Northern Ireland Champion of Champions Judges
      Whippets / Davy Best
      Lurchers / Graham Brennan
      Terriers  / John Barry
      Strong Dogs/ John Morrision 
      And Finally, Finally, this day would not of been possible without these three men at the helm along with their back up team. Many thanks to Tom Barry, John Barry and Dessie Mackin for another great day out. You have the knack of always running a good show and that you done again last Saturday. Many thanks for the memories.
      Margaret Mc Stay

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