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weihrauch barrel, springer .22 .. best pellets

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hey guys, probably already loads of threads about this already but i thought id start another haha :rolleyes: ..


im trading my .177 for a .22 hw 97 and was wondering which pellets to try when i get it. i was thinking of getting -

bisley magnum (mainly for chrono)

rangemaster li

jsb exact


and then one other tin.. of you's lot's choosing :bye:


so are they better with fat pellets like ftt 5.53 or skinny ones like 5.50 or 5.51 ???


help would be appreciated lads and lasses :signthankspin:

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1st thing first Scot,


Springers usually give out lower reading with hevier pellets, unlike PCP's which (due to the delivery/charge of air) which give higher readings with heavier pellets. So chrono the gun with both the lightest pellets and the heaviest pellets. The lighter ones will probably give you a higher output :yes:


Then why not start with the usual suspects such as AAF's, RWS Superfields/Domes, then of course its down to your barrel ;)



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I'm about to do some work for one of the regulars on here on his HW80 and Hobbies are the pellet that I'll be using to set it up on the chrono with. In my experience the tend to give pretty much the highest readings in most springers.


As for which is best for yours only you can find that out, Scot.

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H&N FTT. :thumbs:


First choice for Weihrauch .22 spring rifles Skot.


You might find Bisley Magnum are just crap in your HW97 .22 barrel. As Tony says, they are fine for PCPs which deliver all the air in the shot in one go. But in sub 12ft/lb springers like yours and mine, which spool up the air behind the shot slightly as the spring uncoils, heavyweight pellets like these don't perform so well.



Eley Wasps used to be a fantastic .22 pellet. They'd perform like wonderful from most air rifles. My HW80s loved them. But, a foreign company has taken over the manufacture of this brand and now, they are utter crap. I've seen deformed, shot pellets dug out of targets and animals that are in better shape than some of the unspent Wasps I've seen, new in the tin, are now.


All the best.



Edited by pianoman
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hi bud i use jsb exact,s15.89 in both my 97 and tx200 and they both perform well with them i will not put eny thing els in them and iv tryed allmost all of the pellets out there but it comes down to what your barrel likes what work,s in one gun may not work in yours so try diffrent sort,s of pellets and see witch one,s your gun likes by the way both of my guns hate the magnums atbmac

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Give the Daystate Li's a try, both my HW77 and HW100 love them. I'm suprised more people don't use thembto be honest, I've found them the best in most things

they were the first pellet i tried in my old .177 97 and i have just bought a tin in .177 to try out in my 95. when i get my .22 97 i shall deffo get a tin, i think they are really nice pellets, seem quite accurate and consistent, and dont seem to bend the skirts easily, unlike air arms diabolo field, there as soft as jelly.. just by picking one up its already bent hahaha

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