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wild fowling 4 free true?help please

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evening all

i called in to get some cartriges the other day from a farmshop

(molevallyfarmers) and was taiking to a guy who informed me

that if i join basc i can get free wild fowling around the country,,

no douet some of you must have it and i was wondering what

the serareo was how long to book up in advance or its hard

to get a space etc

atb pete

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No free foreshore fowling in England and believe its the same in Wales, all marshes either privately or club owned. so its membership fees IF you can find a club with vacancies. membership of BASC allows you to book day tickets on select club marshes for a fee. North of the border its free access to marshes, but not sure how it works up there beyond that.

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Not so long ago anything below the high tide mark was free fowling, and a shotgun certificate could be obtained over the counter at any post office.

It was considered a mans right to provide food for his family.

My old dad drummed that into me. Just saying like. :D

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Hi I am a French wildfowler.


In France, we still have "almost free" places where everybody may hunt. These are public lands managed by associations. You just have to pay an annual licence to hunt there but it is not expensive. I pay around 90€ / year to be able to hunt there from beggining of August to end of January.


This is for instance the case for the bays of the river Seine, Somme and around the Mont St Michel.

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