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Hedz personally I'd rather all dogs did at least a few double, especially snake heads. Found that cues that won't do it alone can be good o enter a pup just before he does it alone as they get the confidence or shown the should grab the fox before doing it alone.


I've found that some dogs, again especially the more traditional type will never grab a fox alone til they've be shown its allowed as there's no natural enemity and the scent puts them off so they but think its a game, then they grab it playing and it bite them they don't know what to do because if they were to grab (playing) an adult dog and it shown aggression they would have to fight or back down.


What people forget is everydog is different an so is Everyman behind the dogs so you sometimes have to learn the hard way by accidentally causing a few to spew but it can be more beneficial than being told that'll make the dog spew.


Quick example of personal experience, bitch I had I started doubled up at about 15 months as it fell on July. The bitch shown great potential plowing into probably 30-40 foxes doubled up ( may not seem a lot but she was part of a team of dogs so she didn't get ad many as if she was run alone ) in a season. The last fox of the season she was ran with a new lads dog, a dog claimed I be single handed an when caught he just shook the ass, causing the 23 tts bitch of 35lbs to be punished a lot more than she should of been as she couldnt get into any position to kill or restrain the fox as the dog of more than double her size was shaking it by the ass causing her to take all the bites and the bites to be worse due to be dragged across her face. Anyway she was off for the last few weeks of the season.


The start of the next season we struggled to get anything really as a wet summer had caused good feeding so they wouldn't come into the call. We decided that after how she had performed she should be ready to start single ( having forgot the last fox ), the first fox she had the chance to run was around October, it was on field and we sent the bitch down. She ran it into the hedge without a strike or even lowering her head, she cod have caught it. We then continued to run her doubled up and he piled into everyone, she has taken half grown cubs single but even to this day I alone she will strike it an see how it reacts, if he can overpower it quickly ( I suppose based on how he judges there size) she will do them yet if she strikes and they seem to big she will allow them to run on but she will take them doubled. Moral - woul she have taken them if she was started alone earlier? Would she have done them if she had started the next season on cubs? Would she have done them if the cut hadn't got her chinned? No one will ever know but I do know she is a great dog to start a pup with as she will quickly restrain/ kill a fox before there's to much damage done to either dog.


You'll never know if a dog ever would have done them unless they do them. Many men come up with many excuses but until they do every one they can catch even when the chips are down they aren't single handed dogs in my eyes but that don't mean they can't play a part of a team. Yes there's the purists and I find myself to be one nowadays that 1 dog 1 do and if it doesn't do it I wouldn't kennel it but then if your starting out lads don't be ashamed to own a dog that will only do them in company with a mates dog just make sure you try and improve your standard with every dog you own, never go back. Don't be ashamed of what your dog doesn't do, be proud of what it does! Don't hide behind smoke and mirrors be straight an honest but never believe a word of what you hear and only half of what you see and then you'll be alright in this game!

Again i agree with alot of that mate ;)
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Well, there's the Formal Introduction; " hello monsiuer Reynard, how do you do?", and then there's the Informal introduction; "C'mere, you smelly little b*****d !!". It depends entirely on the social

Hedz personally I'd rather all dogs did at least a few double, especially snake heads. Found that cues that won't do it alone can be good o enter a pup just before he does it alone as they get the con

All dogs are different and mature different but i still think alot of folks sit on pup's way to much

from what i have experianced from an 11 month old bitch in the past i absolutely do not believe any dog needs to be shown how to take quarry what ever it might be,and at times a dog not designed for certaim things may well open your eyes at times if your lucky enough to witness it :thumbs:

:thumbs: if its in them its in them
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I don't think she was relying on them but was not of the stature to start them mid winter at 18 months.


Long tail I know what you mean about having to hold some back but at the same time I don't think all dogs want to take them as they don't realise they're quarry as they're not naturally a prey. Again just my opinion and found that once that enemity has been introduced will kill them for fun


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i was in the same boat in my posts u will see i was having problems with my pup brought him out yeaterday and not a bother well impressed with him on the ball its like he nos what to do its mad the way they just cop on im not saying hes great but considering i was giving out about him 3 days ago then just bring him out on a ramble and hes fine im going to bring him on the lamp now and see what happends

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