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Veiws on bull whippets

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Hi all , I never owned a bull whippet myself or ever seen one work but I am curious about them whats the better cross half or quarters and how are they for stamina do they burn out easy , how many runs would u get a night befor indurance slips away and most of all how much do u think the bull slows it down is it worth putting the bull into it in our country for the laws of only rabbit but in n/i is it worth it for fox I know that they won't be as head strong as a bull grey for the reasons of different bulls used but how would u rate them if there's a few on the site I would love to hear how these dogs fair


Cheers huntmad.

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The bitch was a 1/2x , and the best busher/ moucher I,v ever had , nippy rather than fast . The dog is a 3/4x and a decent enough dog , lacks the top end and gears of a pure whippet though .

great little dogs big hearts and drive i had a few over the years best was a 3/4 whippet x bull did 34 rabbits up shap fell in good time liked the red uns to atb troter

i must have had a few freaks then because the ones i have owned and ran with did the job atb

ive seen few first x but just a few not saying all first x are same and most them looked like leggy staffs and suppose be able do there job but thats from who owned em they did look hardy though but why have have em when a bull whippet greyhound i think better cross :thumbs:

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had a 3 1/4 whippet x bull grate wee dog on rabbit and phesants lol had her from pup till she passed looked like a whippet bit broader in the head with a slight barrled chest all rabbits retreived alive but never had the gears for bigger stuff iv worked whippets for over 20 years and i think the 3 1/4 whippet bull has a little bit more stammina but then you lose a bit of speed if its just for rabbits i would stick with a good coursing whippet [ jmo ]

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Only a few but they take to much damage I found to do the every night like a good bull/grey. The problem I found is that because of there size and heart it is closer to a fight. A good bull/grey of 60 plus pounds can do it in a few shakes or turn it over and bite through the rib cage where as the bull/whips I've seen where more like 30 maybe 35 pound so after one fix where ready for home due to the damage.


I suppose it depends really, if you want the dog to kill foxes get a bull/grey. Get a bull/whip and let them catch the fox and kill it with a blade an they'd be ok but don't really think its a good idea to expect them to do '3-4 foxes a week let alone a night unless you want to step in. I know you may get the ones that can kill but I found them to be glutens for punishment and it being kinder to step in and help them. If I was to get a bull/whip I'd use it for rabbit and take the odd fox, well any fox I seen and try and be quick to help it so as it didn't take to much damage but I don't think I'd use it for calling foxes night after night.


Just my opinion, people may disagree but hey that's the Internet for you

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so a bull whippits weight means it carnt kill a fox (pre ban of cause) must be some mighty big fox`s about :laugh: ive an old 3/4 bitch here 13 now she is, her only fault was, she always lacked speed and stamina but unless you were after more than the odd long ear back then, it was never an issue. all the whippit traits but with the heart of a lion, not the dog for everyone but suites them with a passion for certain things :thumbs:

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