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28bore problems

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ive just bought my lad a second hand investarm 28bore, i have a few little niggles with it, firstly its quite hard to open in that the lever has to be pushed right to the very last before it opens and even then its stiff, and secondly when its shut it doesn't quite shut as tight as i would like it to, ............any info on helping me fix these problems would be great.



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Guest Macnas



Dismantle it as normal and check the action, especially where the bolt slides along two opposing slots. There may be crap/dirt in there that is interfering with the bolt sliding back and forth.

The bolt locks the barrels tight to the action.


Hang it upside down and give it a blast of wd40, leave it alone for the night and give it a good cleaning out the next day. Use an old tooth brush to help clean out the hard-to-get-to bits.


If this doesnt work there may be a problem with the bolt, or the spindle which connects the opening lever to the bolt.

At worst this means a new bolt fitted up, which is a bit of a job.

At best, it might be something as simple as the spring that tensions the opening lever has broken, which is an easy job.


(At the very worst, some wanker has put the end of the action in a vise and given it a squeeze to take up some slack that may have developed between the barrels and the action.)


If the cleaning doesn't work, get it to a gunsmith.

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Hi mate,


On the Investarm, you have to push the lever as far to the right as possible, as this is what cocks the gun, not the breaking of the barrels.


As a rule, they generally are somewhat stiff as well. :)

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isnt WD40 good stuff, i took the stock off and checked inside and everything looked good apart from looking a bit black oily, so i gave it a realy good soaking with WD40 and left it a while then dabbed it dry and put it back together.............whoooaaaa, what a difference, its new again

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