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Feed or not.

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Ferrets are designed for it though humans aren't mate :thumbs:



designed to do what exactly?? hunt on a full stomach??


Not a full stomach but hungry ferrets tend to tire quicker



so what are they designed to do??


the same can be said for humans, but you said ferrets are designed for it, humans aint...


im guessing your just talking shite again lol


Hunt you wee jock, ferrets have a faster metabolism than humans you prick



i should think so lol they are a fraction of our size lol your waffling shite pal, wipe yer chin an move on


You move on and come to my door as I gave you my address you scottish reject



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I feed mine at night so when i go to box them in the morning they still have some meat left . as i like a breakfast before i go out i like the ferrets to have some a working ferret should be hunting for fun not because its hungry ,then when we stop for lunch offer them a drink and some liver out a rabbit

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Guest norseman

Ferrets are designed for it though humans aren't mate :thumbs:



designed to do what exactly?? hunt on a full stomach??


Not a full stomach but hungry ferrets tend to tire quicker



so what are they designed to do??


the same can be said for humans, but you said ferrets are designed for it, humans aint...


im guessing your just talking shite again lol


Hunt you wee jock, ferrets have a faster metabolism than humans you prick



i should think so lol they are a fraction of our size lol your waffling shite pal, wipe yer chin an move on


You move on and come to my door as I gave you my address you scottish reject




:laugh: :laugh: never a dull moment haha!

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Folk saying, feed the night before and they willhave something in their stomach the next day.


I'd be surprised if they still have a full stomach 8 hours plus after feeding,being that they hav every short digestive tracts.

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plenty of water as well...I always take a little feeder bottle and give em plenty of fresh water throughout the day..they get very dehidrated grafting away.


By the way..they didgest meat in around 4 hours , Not 8 hours like people think. . .so if you take them out starving hungry they are gonna stay on thier kill and more likely have a nice little lie up and a rest on the nice warm juicey bunny.

Edited by vin
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